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tv   Today  NBC  January 31, 2013 7:00am-11:00am EST

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good morning. breaking news. fierce storms overnight from the carolinas to maine, wicked winds knocking out power and uprooting trees after at least six confirmed tornadoes including this massive twister cut a path of destruction through the south. underground drama, police still negotiating this morning with a man who grabbed a 5-year-old boy from a school bus in alabama and took him to his bunker. s.w.a.t. teams surrounding the house, investigators talking to the suspect through a pipe. we are live at the scene. cyber-attacks. how did chinese hackers infiltrate the "new york times" computer system, even getting the passwords of reporters, what may have been the motivation
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behind it today, thursday january 31, 2013. and good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a thursday morning. i'm savannah guthrie. i'm matt lauer. we didn't have anywhere near the weather they had in the south. here in the north, it was howling last night. the wind and rain were crazy. some intense downpours and whipping winds. we will have more on this weather system with al in a couple minutes. now to newdown, connecticut where it was an emotional scene last night. parents of the young victims spoke out at meeting on gun violence. we will hear from some of them and also from capitol hill coming up. on a much different note. remember when the blackberry was the cool device to have. after years of falling behind
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the iphone and the droid, blackberry is unveiling two new smartphones, including the ones we have here. a lot of reviews of these good but people are asking whether this can be cool enough to get blackberry into the smartphone game. we have the company's ceo live and will ask him these questions. later, jason bateman stops by to talk about his new movie. we will get a sneak peek at tonight's "30 rock" finale. jane krakowski is here as we say good-bye to here. >> a major guest star will be on that program internet. we'll save that for later. let's start with those powerful overnight storms. good morning. >> good morning, matt and savannah. again, we're talking a massive tornado. this may be rated an ef-4 when all is said and done. you dcan see how huge it is on the ground.
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let's look live in adiresville, georgia. you can see the destruction it left behind. at least one fatality and the aftermath as rescue workers got to the scene. one area where 100 people were trapped inside a factory, causing big problems there. cars tossed around like toys. we also saw more damage through the rest of the south as well. we had heavy rain, a lot of flooding from the carolinas, all the way to the southeast, where it was a real mess. as we go to the maps and show you exactly what happened. here's the system. here's adiresville along i-75 north of atlanta. it pushes through around 11:15 yesterday morning. you can see the heavy precipitation coming down. it continues through and the good news, this was a quick moving system. take a look. we had 13 confirmed tornadoes touching down.
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664 thunderstorm wind gusts reports. as the day wears on, they continue to move to the east. as you can see, we have 11 more unconfirmed tornadoes that will be investigated today. ahead of this system, a lot of rain. wind gusts over 70 miles an hour. thousands are without power in the northeast. behind it, a lot of snow to talk about. we'll have that coming up in the next 10 minutes. >> thank you. to the drama still unfolding this morning where a suspect is holding a 5-year-old boy hostage in his underground bunker. gabe is there. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. in that underground bunker, police have been working more than 36 hours to free this 5-year-old boy. so far, he is unharmed. police have been able to bring his medicine and a coloring book. today, we're learning more about his alleged kidnap per. hostage negotiators have been talking with the suspect through
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a pvc pipe attached to what is described as a tornado bunker. a close source to the investigation describes him as 65-year-old jimmy lee dykes. a source describes him as survivalist who distrusts the government. and neighbors describe him as a loner, always menacing. >> this man has exhibited for years signs of instability. >> does he scare you? >> he terrified me. he was basically a ticking time bomb. >> reporter: on tuesday afternoon, the police source says the gunman boarded a stopped school bus near this church and demanded a few random children come with him. it's not clear why. the bus driver, 66-year-old charles poland junior refused to let any children go and when dykes shot poland multiple times killing him. as officers closed in, witnesses who shot this cell phone video say the suspect grabbed one of the children who had fainted and
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took the kindergartener to his property near by. the child has been identified simply by his first name, ethan. he turns 6 in a few weeks. in midland city, vigils wednesday night to pray for ethan and remember the bus driver. >> he's definitely a hero because he did everything he could to save those children. >> reporter: all of this shocking this small community in southeastern alabama. >> to think that he is holding this poor innocent little child, it just -- it is, it's inextricably overwhelming. >> reporter: court records show the suspect had a scheduled court appearance wednesday morning to face misdemeanor charges menacing a neighbor. police are not sure what role if any it may have played in a motive. savannah. >> thank you. alabama state representative steve clouse and state senator
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hari harri-ann smith have spoken about the hostage. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> we know this little boy is named ethan, about to turn 6 in a few weeks. i know you've been speaking to the family, how are they holding up? >> right now, savannah, they're holding on by a thread. the whole community, the whole county is coming together. we had five prayer vigils last night around the county. people are hopeful we can bring this to a successful end. at the same time, we had the family of the slain bus driver, whose lives have been devastated. our gratitude needs to go out to him for protecting all these other children. he started the day as a school bus driver and he ended as a hero. >> senator smith, let me ask you about this medical condition we understand ethan has. i understand there's been some medication that's been given to him. is it the sort of condition that might be even more serious if he doesn't get medical attention
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soon? >> listen, his medication is being given. his mother is aware, provided the medication. feels very comfort abable that s calm and is doing well. has taken comfort in that. so we're very pleased that that's happening. >> representative clouse, is there any connection between this little boy and the suspect who's holding him? do they know each other at all or do we think this is a stranger abduction? >> no, i don't think they know each other. i think it's just a random kidnapping here for this man. >> senator, has there been any kind of communication with ethan himself. i know negotiators are talking some what to the suspect. has there been any communication to the child? >> representative clouse and myself have been with his mother. by the way, she called ethan
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"lo "lovebug." that's her nickname for him. she has been given information that she feels comfortable that they've spoken with him and he's doing well. >> finally, representative clouse, what, if anything, can you tell us about the suspect here? >> not much. i think he's new to this particular neighborhood. a lot of folks don't really know him and don't really know what his motives are. we're waiting to hear from the authorities what's prompting him. >> representative steve clouse and senator harri-ann smith. good to have you here. please pass our best to the family. >> thank you. >> thank you. let us get a check on other top stories from tamron hall in for natalie. >> good morning. a major security breach at the "new york times" as the newspaper uncovers that repeated cybe cyber-attacks on its computer system originated in china. nbc's ian williams has the latest from beijing. ian, good morning.
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>> reporter: good morning, tamron. the "new york times" says the expert they hired have little doubt the cyber-attacks on the newspaper came from china. hackers infiltrated the computer systems the "new york times" reports, stealing pass words from reporters and other employees in an effort to break into their e-mail accounts. security experts told the "times" the attack was covered in china's digital fingerprints. experts gathered digital evidence that chinese hackers using methods some constituents have associated with the chinese military in the past breached the times network. and investigating the wealthy of china's prime minister who accumulated billions through business dealings and that was highly embarrassing to the top government reeling from this.
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and attacks against the foreign media. >> we have security consultants told us these attacks originated in china although they can't identify the original culprits. >> what's china's position on this? >> reporter: a foreign ministry spokesman said hacking allegations against china as irresponsible. there is growing evidence of a far more widespread china operation growing in china and provoking growing alarm among u.s. officials. among that growing target list, u.s. companies and government agencies and workers angered the chinese government. >> thank you very much. a man hunt is on the way in phoenix, arizona after a shooting in an office building left one person dead and two people wounded. police say the 70-year-old suspect is quote armed and dangerous. with the super bowl just
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days away, jimmy fallon decided to let the puppies do the predicting. last night on "late night." which ever food dish got the most puppyies would win. they decided to take a nap. >> are you listening to me? he went back. doesn't want to do it. there you go. you can do it. take it. there you go. [ applause ] >> the ravens! >> so, even after he released the hounds, only a few made it to the dish. but it is still a definitive win for the ravens, as you see there. it is now 7:12. back to savannah, matt and al. that is the most -- isn't that adorable? >> low scoring game, 3-0. exactl exactly. >> maybe yhe needed better dog
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food. >> thank you, tamron. >> thank you. >> mr. roker is here. check of the weather. >> it will be a busy day as well. we have a lot of cold air to talk about upperng across brigh almost no ice on them. so we are going to be looking at lake-effect snow. lake-effect snow watches and warnings from sault ste. marie to watertown, new york. anywhere from 3 to 9 inches of snow. but between lake erie, between erie and buffalo and back to watertown we could see up to two feet of snow and locally some areas could get a little bit more. we will have your local forecast. first, this message.
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good morning. north and west of washington creeks and streams are out of their banks. like this one. frederick county, maryland. sent in by one of my twitter followers, kym johnson. if have you any pictures of flooding, post them to weather@nbcwashington.c loudoun, fauquier, rappahannock, culpeper, virginia, as well as parts of the shenandoah valley. now in the that's your latest weather. matt. >> thanks very much. there was an emotional meeting in newtown, connecticut, where some of the parents killed at the sandy hook elementary school spoke out about gun violence. nbc capitol hill correspondent kelly o'donnell has more on
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that. >> good morning. it was hard to watch because the families living with the fallout of gun violence know how hard a climate it is to get any kind of change to gun law. in connecticut and washington, they want officials to know what they've been through. >> reporter: their grief and rage barely contained. >> i remember looking at him in his casket and holding his hand. no parent should hold this memory of their child. >> reporter: the fathers. >> the liberty of any person to own a military assault weapon and high capacity magazine and keep them in their home is second to the right of my son to his life. >> reporter: husbands. >> these are not partisan issues. resist distraction from special interests. >> reporter: and mothers at sandy hook elementary. >> you do not use a gun against someone else unless you're angry or a victim. >> reporter: together wednesday
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night in newtown with connecticut officials from both parties grappling with the complex balance of gun safety and gun rights. reinforced with applause. many there demanded new gun restrictions, like bans on assault weapons and high capacity clips. the same kind of pain and frustration drove gabby giffords and husband, mark kelly, back to capitol hill wednesday two years after the shooting that nearly took her life and did take much of her eyesight and ability to spea speak. >> we must do something. >> reporter: working from her speech therapists handwritten notes, giffords pushed herself to deliver her handwritten message. >> you must act. be bold, be courageous. >> reporter: but a different message from the head of the national rifle association. wayne lapierre who rejected democrats proposal to inject
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background checks at gun shows and gun sales. >> we have to look at what works and never works. my problem with background checks, you will never get criminals to go through universal background checks. >> that was the first hearing related to guns since newtown. others are planned like mental health issues and dealing with violence in video games. senate democrats will have to lead the charge on this and say they expect to have some kind of bill written to get it going over the next month. >> kelly o'donnell in washington, what i'm sure will be an emotional moment, the chorus from sandy hook elementary school will be singing "america the beautiful" before sunday's super bowl game. >> federal agents are culling through dozens of boxes from a from nent florida eye doctor and now scrutiny falling on a top ranking democratic senator. justice correspondent pete williams has the story. good morning. >> good morning. federal officials are declining to say exactly what's behind the search but the doctor is
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well-known is south florida. he's been an active political contributor and friend of senator robert menendez, the subject of an ethics complaint. >> reporter: in florida, federal agents hauled away boxes of material tuesday night and witnessed from the office of a west palm beach eye doctor. he and members of his family are big political contributors. records show they've given more than $33,000 in the past 15 years to u.s. senator robert n menendez. >> this hearing of the senate foreign relations committee -- >> reporter: he just took over as chairman of the senate florida relations committee. they appeared at a gala chaired by milgen. the senate ethics committee has received a complaint from a new jersey republican official who complained menendez got rides on a private plane to the dominican republic and elsewhere without disclosing them.
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>> senator went on flights to dominican republic and flights to puerto rico, et cetera from this doctor down in florida on his private jet, which he had failed to report. >> reporter: in a statement, saturday menendez called the doctor a friend and political supporter many years and took three trips on that plane but paid for and reported them properly. but his staff said he wrote a check two weeks ago three weeks after the ethics complaint was made to reimburse the doctor $58,000 for two trips in 2010 and the senator refers to a series of claims made on conservative websites saying he met with prostitutes while in the dominican republic. those allegations, they say are manufactured, politically motivated and false, based on a series of anonymous e-mails that first surfaced last april sent to a political watchdog group in washington called crew. but when the tipster repeatedly
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declined to talk on the phone or agree to a meeting, the group turned the messages to the fbi. >> it turns out he has no real interest coming forward and making sure this matter can be investigated as a law enforcement issue. it seems he's much more interested seeing it brought to light as a big scandal. >> reporter: as for the search in florida, federal officials say agents from the department of human services were involved meaning they may be looking into allegations of health care fraud. coming up, if you're getting geared up for the super bowl, why you should be on the lookout for fake nfl merchandise. blackberry takes a swing at the iphone. will you switchback? first on "today" on nbc.
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coming up, was the mastermind of the manti te'o hoax the only one who pretended
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help satisfy your hunger longer with the special k protein line. willpower. what will you gain when you lose? good morning. 7:26 this thursday, january 31. drivers getting into trouble on flooded roads. chopper 4 was over the scene of at least three water rescues this morning in montgomery county. you can see emergency crews here helping someone in this stranded car on rifl ford road in montgomery county. they rescued people stranded in cars in brookville and gaithersburg over the last hour. we are tracking flooding problems as well in prince william county, virginia. news4's megan mcgrath live in bristow with more. >> reporter: well, i'm standing on piper lane. as you can see, this road is
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completely washed out. broad run creek normally runs parallel to piper lane but as you can see, with all of the rain that we had, the creek has left its banks and flooded the roadway. this is a problem for folks who use the broad run vre station. can you not use the piper lane enrans. you are going have to weave around and use the observation lane entrance this morning. with more on traffic, we are going send it over to danella sealock. how is it looking? >> good morning. in addition to flooding i'm tracking accidents in the area. gw parkway southbound at 123, crash there blocks the left lane. your delays are about four miles, 29 southbound, this accident just cleared. it was at 198 in maryland. out of the roadway but delays will are four miles. >> thank you. month more rain but we will show
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many rural roads that cross
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creeks and streams north and west of war wash look like this one. gold mine road in brookville, maryland. car stranded there. picture sent in to feeling like winter the next few we gotta sell the car. where would we even start? get the car. hi howard. get in. hi, good to see you. start with an actual written offer when selling your car, no strings attached. carmax. start here.
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take a look at that image right now. you're looking at severe flooding going on in montgomery county, maryland, part of the powerful storms that moved through the south and spawned powerful tornadoes in adarsville georgia, wednesday, demolishing homes and businesses. al will have more on that system in a couple minutes. meanwhile, we're inside studio 1a. i'm matt lauer and savannah guthrie, we're going to talk about the smartphone smackdown. are you an iphone user or
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android or blackberry or use both at the same time like savannah. >> problems with commitment. >> they're very good. the question is are they too late. the ceo will show us what's new and very cool about these new devices. >> there's very unusual features. we'll tell you more about that. then at the super bowl sunday, fans are stocking up on hats and jerseys and souvenirs. a warning some of the gear is actually fake and could be funding major crimes. new details in a rossen report. a tragic shooting, a 15-year-old girl who actually performed at president obama's inauguration was killed this week one mile from her home in chicago and we will hear from her father coming up. >> a sad story and what could be blackberry's attempt to come back with two new smartphones. we'll talk to that company's ceo but first, stephanie has more on the newest challenger to the
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iphone. >> good morning. smartphone technology has moved so fast the last decade, seems there is a must have every couple of months. blackberry has struggled to keep up and now their business depends on this phone. one journalist calls it their hail mary pass. research in motion has a new pho phone, one they probably should have had from the beginning. blackberry. >> it is blackberry, and they had a bad reptution the last few years. >> reporter: it dropped from 20% in 21 to only 4.6% in 2012. the technological eternity has passed since its launch. notice matt lauer innocent wonder in 2000. >> you love this thing called the blackberry? >> i love it. this has replaced my laptop.
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it's essentially an e-mail pager. >> it didn't take long for sales to take off, the blackberry became the crackberry and then came the iphone and samsung's whole line of smartphones. president obama with a blackberry is more an exception. his daughters and their iphones are now the rule. for many holdouts, the attraction of the old blackberry was the keypad. they have been reluctant to give it up for touchscreens. in nbc news, this are plenty of holdouts. this is the nerve center of "nightly news." a blackberry there. one puns with an iphone in the corner. the anchor and managing editor, he uses both. >> i would like to, like the reese's peanut butter commercial, combine these two devices. >> reporter: turns out using both isn't uncommon. >> i use both of them interchangeably. sometimes a matter of which one i can find in my purse. >> reporter: nbc luck russert found a lot of dual users on
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capitol hill. >> reporter: how long have you had your blackberry? >> probably 10 years an iphone about five. >> reporter: why do you hold on to both of them? >> the iphone personal and blackberry for work because the iphone can't handle a high volume of e-mail when it's time sensitive. >> reporter: blackberry says it has the solution, the same reliable work force but now cool enough to hang with the competition. >> blackberry has two new versions of the phone, one with touchscreen and one with a keypad. the touchscreen will learn how you type to make it more accurate. for those that need the buttons or as brian williams, the peanut buttercup of phones is a blackberry with keyboard, too. >> thanks. the guy who has a lot riding on this is torsten hineins, the ce of blackberry. good to have you here. >> the critics that have look at this device really like it, think you have real innovations. the bad news is they say things
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like hail mary pass, this is a long shot. is this a do or die moment for the company? >> it is a very important milestone for the company. what we did was not just develop new devices, but have a new computing platform. we're looking more into the future than just the next devices. this is personal computing power. >> we have the devices here. i want you to show the future in a second. but i have to take you back. there was a time if you had a blackberry and cup of coffee at starbuc starbucks, you were cool. what went wrong? have you stopped to analyze what went wrong? >> it wasn't what went wrong, we had success and what happened was we were too static in our recipe we used to build blackberries. we have changed that with blackberry 10. >> let's look at this device. one of the big innovations is what you call "the hub." can you explain that? >> that's easy and fantastic.
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the hub is just a collection of all your inflow, all your communications channels, all your social network, notifications. the good thing about it, if i want to respond to a facebook twitter or link message, i can do it outside the hub without opening any applications. >> like a split screen? >> not a split screen, just a great unified in-box, if i want to respond to facebook message, i hit it and respond and don't have to open the facebook application. you take immediate action without leaving the hub. >> another cool feature, typing an e-mail. it thinks ahead, if you type in ll okay, it immediately gives you a choice in the bottom of the screen, looking and you can thumb it right up and like others do, it gives you other words you might want to use to complete a sentence. in other words, it's doing the writing for you in some ways. >> we call this writing without typing. i read the review yesterday that said this is mind-boggling or even kind of freaky. yeah. the device learns you, learns
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your personality, learns how you spell, build grammar. i'm a german and knows i'm german english and good for me, too. a fantastic feature. after one week it knows you. >> let's talk about the camera, very important, as somebody who blinks in a lot of photos explain how this new camera could potentially eradicate that. >> ever tried to take a picture of three kids eyes open and napping? we have a great technology we call time shift that allows you to set the scene correctly over three seconds and then you can edit the faces and really create the picture you want. >> get the best face on all three kids at the very same time using the original photo? >> absolutely. >> alishia keys, your creative directors admitted she actually broke up with the blackberry for a while because it didn't have enough bling. do these things, mr. heins, have enough bling to get people back from their iphones and droids. >> absolutely. we have alecia back.
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and we changed the user interface, easy to use, just flowing. you don't have to go in and out of applications anymore, does what you want it to do. >> very quickly, the keyboard, for many blackberry devotees, this is the redeeming quality, why we hold on to our blackberry keyboard. will you keep that option for the future? >> absolutely. absolutely. we have so many diehard keyboard lovers for blackberry, we won't let that go. >> talk about a throwback. this is the one i use to call in air support. air travel on hill 4. all right, mr. heins, good luck to you and the newly named blackberry company. nice to have you here. >> thanks. a pleasure. we want to take a turn and get a check of the weather from a al. >> today's weather is brought to you by universal orlando resort. it's your vacation, just don't take it, mean it. >> let's take a look at what's been going on in montgomery
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county, maryland, the water, as you can see, got really high really fast as these fast moving systems moved across the northeast. somebody was rescued out of this car safely and other water res ski cues going on through maryland. let's look at staten island, very strong winds, 250,000 people without power from new jersey to new england as the rain goes through. as we look at the radar, what we've got, this is where we're seeipushing through maryland anw as we move up to the north you can see that rain is making its way into new england causing big problems there. airport delays as well. back side of this, we have very, very cold air. look at he is wind chills. 40 below in glasgow. 14 below in minneapolis. and feels like three above in nap map. the temperatures stay cold into the afternoon hours. single digits to below zero readings. and they are going to stay chilly right on into tomorrow as
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that cold air makes its way east and south. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. good morning. all these counties in green have rivers and streams out of their banks and many of them, that includes northwest washington, montgomery, loudoun, and on the county's south and north and west and those -- temperatures that we have now dropping out of the 50s into the 40s. down to the 30s tonight and 20s tomorrow morning. winds gusting to 50 miles an hour today. and high gusts again tomorrow may have morning flurries or a quick snow shower. will be peeling like winter month the weekend. warmer and that's your latest weather. matt. >> al, thank you very much. still ahead, more from the self-confessed mather mind from the manti te'o girlfriend hoax. then a look at the crackdown to get fake nfl gear off the market. right after this. vacation is a precious thing.
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back now at 7:44 this morning. reporting a multi-milliillion dr criminal enterprise in full force at the super bowl. jeff rossen is in norms. good morning to you. >> good morning. the excitement is building at she super bowl and surrounding it, fans are flooding this area and what are they doing? buying everything they can find like hats and jerseys. some items are counterfeit. these items now are fake. i know you're think, who cares? still getting a hat and 30. officials say some of the money is going to support criminals
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nationwide, even gangs. and this morning we're with investigators as they crack down. >> reporter: in this super bowl frenzy, officials say criminals are now targeting the fans. they're selling nfl merchandise up and down these streets? >> yes, they are. >> reporter: we went out with this team of federal investigators from homeland security and immigration and customs, on the hunt for nfl counterfeit. we got exclusive access. >> do you have any jerseys behind the counter, ma'am? >> reporter: hitting store after store. >> can i take a look at the jersey you have behind your counter? >> reporter: finding fake after fake after fake. merchandise that looks so real, even the experts have to look twice. >> why should the average person at homecare about this? >> reporter: the proceeds from the sale of these items support criminal enterprises, like dancing, drug organizations and networks. >> reporter: and they say the criminals are getting better at fooling you. these nfl hats have logo all
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over them even the official nfl looking hologram. that's fake, too. >> this particular hologram, as you can e, is a shiny piece of paper. >> reporter: most of it is shipped in from china. officials try to stop it at the ports but they can't keep up. at this store, officials seized three dozen counterfeit jerseys. >> jeff rossen from nbc news. >> i don't want to talk, thanks so much. >> reporter: we have questions of the store manager. do you feel bad about selling counterfeit goods? >> of course. this is the first time i know those jerseys are counterfeit. >> reporter: so why was he selling them way under market value. >> the price too low. selling them for $49.99. the official jerseys are right around $250. >> reporter: we called the store owner but never heard back. >> hello. you have any jerseys for sale, sir? >> reporter: at this next store, investigators confiscated more jerseys and hats and the owner said he had no idea they're
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fakes. >> where did you get these hats? >> a guy coming around and selling them. >> does that sound like official nfl, a guy coming around and selling them? >> i don't know. >> reporter: but investigators say this next store knew. the owner tried to pull a fast one. >> do you have any nfl merchandise? >> reporter: but when they searched behind the counter, a whole bag full of fakes. >> it is. >> reporter: what does that tell you he hid this from you? >> they know it's fake and it's wrong. >> reporter: he said he's sorry. all these stores got a warning but in some cases prosecutors filed criminal charges. now, the feds have a message for counterfeiters. >> they're perpetuating this kind of criminal activity, we're not going to give up until we find them. >> reporter: secrinvestigators this will get worse as we get close to sunday. the criminals, they're smart.
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but they haven't mastered the stitching for some reason. all frayed edges. turn the jersey inside-out. does it look like this, with all the frayed edges around it. that is a fake. let me grab a real jersey. this is a real ravens nfl approved. you turn this one inside-out. look, no stitchesal all. it is absolutely flawless. one of the things we should mention, it's not just stores, savannah. feds are announcing today, they're shutting down more than 300 websites selling counterfeits, too. >> the price tag is higher on a real one, too. coming up, did the admitted mastermind of the mant tie te'o girlfriend hoax really act alone? and perfume for babies? after these messages. f means living with pain. it could also mean living with joint damage. humira, adalimumab, can help treat more than just the pain.
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for many adults, humira is clinically proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist about humira, to help relieve your pain and stop further joint damage. there's a lot of confusion out there. season. but at h&r block we are ready. and the sooner you start, the sooner we'll help you get your refund. come on in.
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gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone but her likes 50% more cash, but i have an idea. do you want a princess dress? yes. cupcakes? yes. do you want an etch-a-sketch? yes! do you want 50% more cash? no. you got talent. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. what's in your wallet? i usually say that.
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♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate. we're back. it's 7:51, with one of the few questions still to be answered, we promise, about the girlfriend hoax that ensnared notre dame football star manti te'o. did the mastermind act alone? he breaks his silence on the dr. phil show today. >> good morning matt. dr. phil told us tuiasosopo fell in love with the hero and faked
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him completely with the girlfriend hoax for months. was that part the truth? >> it was -- >> reporter: ron tuiasosopo told dr. phil mcgraw he kept the hoax going for two years and phone calls that sometimes lasted hours. te'o told carey couric his online paramour was the love of his life. >> she was poll meshon supposedly. loved her face. >> his hoax stster acknowledgine was gay -- >> reporter: he fell in love with manti te'o? >> no doubt. he fell in love with manti. >> reporter: and his voice and sometimes just lennay, was his voice and only his voice and he never slipped once. >> did you ever like wake up and forget to use lennay's voice?
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>> no. >> you'd think before you spoke? >> i'm not trying to be funny but that's kind of a rookie mistake. when you have kind have been able to mastermind all of this and create not just lennay and her whole family and reality and make it seem as real as possible, that's a mistake that -- i mean, no, i never made that mistake. >> reporter: mcgraw says he asked tuiasosopo to speak in lennay's voice. >> i pressed him to do that. we ultimately get to that point. >> you're not a guy that shys away from voicing your conclusions. what's your conclusion? >> as i sit here today, i am not convinced it is him. >> mcgraw says he had lennay as -- the ronaiah as lennay voice and will release it. >> thank you very much. coming up, jane krakowski
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after the local news. [ female announcer ] life is full of little tests, but your basic paper towel can handle them. especially if that towel is bounty basic. the towel that's durable, and scrubbable. in this lab demo, bounty basic is stronger than the leading bargain brand. everyday life? bring it with bounty basic. the strong but affordable picker-upper... now costs even less. i've been fortunate to win on golf's biggest stages. but when joint pain and stiffness from psoriatic arthritis hit, even the smallest things became difficult. i finally understood what serious joint pain is like. i talked to my rheumatologist and he prescribed enbrel. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, and stop joint damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis
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and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ phil ] get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. ♪ don't stop what you do ♪ i won't stop loving you ♪ because i love the things you do ♪ ♪ whatever you do, don't stop [ female announcer ] the laughing cow cheese. rich, creamy decadence, but with only 35 calories a wedge, feel free to laugh all you want. ♪ whatever you do, don't stop [ female announcer ] the laughing cow. have you laughed today? now, three more delicious flavors to love. ♪ ♪ don't stop
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good morning to you. i'm eun yang. chopper 4 is flying over laurel and anne arundel county. this is rock bridge road and it is washed out. we have seen at least cars stranded in these high waters. it is unclear if there is anyone stuck in there now. we will stay on top of the story and bring you any more developments. we are dealing with some accidents this morning. we will bring you all of your first 4 traffic right after
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good morning. tracking accidents in our area. we will talk about the crash on river dale involving a police car. let's head over to gw parkway at 123. left lane blocked with a crash. backup is four miles. >> watch out, high water, rivers and streams out of hair banks rinds the region. winds are gusting to 40 miles an hour. temperatures now 40s. dropping to 30s after sunset. went tomorrow morning. might get snow showers friday morning. windy and cold tomorrow. lighter winds but still cold over the weekend. >> thanks, tom. another news update in just 25 mi
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8:00 now on a thursday morning. it is, as al roker just observed, the final day of january, 2013. a pretty day after a rainy night and windy day. we have a lot of great people on our plaza, including some super bowl fans. we're getting in the mood around here. actually in the spirit of my inability to commit or take a stand, i am carrying both the niners and ravens, go teams. >> put one down. >> which one? >> up to you. >> i'm going to san francisco. >> i don't want to make any feel bad.
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everybody gets a trophy. >> a little super bowl nfl trivia for you. what is the nickname for the official nfl football. the football itself? >> the pigskin? >> i don't know. >> what? >> the duke! >> the duke. we have one right here. >> that's very exciting. >> big game coming up. >> naturally and i will be in super bowl city. i'm in san francisco tomorrow. naturally will be out and part of our "today's" surprise field trips. meanwhile, in our studio right now, we have two very big stars, we have jason bateman and jane krakowski. jane is here to talk about the series finale of "30." >> we're all crying, jane. "30 rock" airs tonight on nbc with a special guest appearance by one of our own and jason is here to talk about his new movie, called identity thief. it's a funny one.
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we look forward to talking to both of them. >> actually two of us. >> that's right. you're in it also. i forgot about that. that will be the trivia question. we want to go to tamron hall with a check of the stories of the day. good morning. >> good morning, guys, and good morning everyone. powerful winter storms across the southeast are being blamed for at least two deaths as residents clean up after tornadoes rip through their neighborhoods destroying homes and cars and trucks. this twister was caught on tape in adairsville, georgia, another confirmed in tennessee. this morning, emergency crews rescued several people from cars stranded on flooded roadways in maryland. hostage negotiators intensify their efforts this morning to rescue a 5-year-old boy, who was kidnapped from a school bus tuesday in rural alabama after the bus driver was shot to death. police say the boy is being held by the suspected gunman in an underground bunker. secretary of defense
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nominee, chuck hagel, faces a senate confirmation today. nbc mike isikoff has more on his experiences in vietnam. good morning, michael. >> tamron, good morning. when chuck hagel appears before the senate foreign relations committee this morning, sitting behind him is his younger brother tom, a law professor in dayton, ohio. more than 40 years ago, the two were the only accessiblelings to serve in the same army squadron during the war, a real life band of brothers saving others lives and shaping chuck hagel's thinking to this day. >> reporter: 1968, the bloodiest year of the vietnam war, two young brothers from nebraska fighting side by side. they barely survived. >> the concussion was incredible. it knocked us both down. he was flat on his back, blood all over his chest. >> tom hagel that day bandaged up and saved the life of his brother, chuck hagel.
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>> if you really want to understand chuck and his view on use of force, you have to go back and start at his experiences in vietnam. >> reporter: just a month after the hagel's close call, another explosion and this time it was chuck who carried an unconscious tom to safety. years later, hagel was torn when president bush sought support for invasion of iraq. >> imposing democracy through force in iraq is a role of the dice. >> reporter: hagel ended up voting for the iraq war but later became one of its strongest critics, forging a bond with then senator barack obama. >> he understands that sending young americans to fight and bld in the dirt and mud, that's something we only do when it's absolutely necessary. >> reporter: today, hagel's nomination has stirred controversy over his openness to engage iran and criticism of the israeli government. >> i cannot support a nominee for defense secretary who thinks we should be tougher on israel and more lenient on iran.
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>> reporter: but tom hagel still has his brother's back. >> we look at each other and say, you know e, what can they do to you? send you back to vietnam? >> despite strong opposition from many republicans, white house officials are now confident barring any unforeseen problems they have the votes to confirm hagel and will soon become the first vietnam vet to run the pentagon. and trending today, what has you talking online. no worries, mon. the government of jamaica is endorsing a volkswagen super bowl ad labelled racially incentive to some. and a white office worker from minnesota so happy about his new car uses a jamaican accent and the jamaican minister says it has tremendous appeal about jamaican hospitality. and the famous baby, unveiled a luxury perfume for
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babies priced at $45 a bottle. the company says the unisex perfume will cuddle and pamper every little boy and girl. and it has a citrus melon and honey note which will apparently associate the smell of babies. that melts all our hearts. this online parody, anne hathaway hathaway's, giving her the support for best actress for "les miserables." >> i played a prostitute who died ♪ ♪ i let them give me this new haircut ♪ >> okay. portraying hathaway's performance has already earned top honors from the screen actor's guild and the george bushes the golden globes. is now six minutes after 8:00.
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i don't know if i like the anne hathaway parody or perfume or infants. >> i don't know that you want to smell like a baby all the time. i do like that parody. all of our ravens fans here. let's -- check it out for you. pick city of the day, allentown, pfs p.a. temperatures falling into the 30s. they are already chilling off here. frontal system pushing lou and bringing a lot of rain. 200,000 folks without power from new jersey all the way into new england. wet weather making its way into the pacific northwest. look for lake-effect snow getting itself together today. some areas picking up one to two feet of snow in the next 38 hours. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> reporter: creeks and streams out of the banks. slowly receding now. high water all he is areas in green. including northwest washington, montgomery county, frederick counties in maryland and loudoun county, virginia. fauquier county, points south and west. temperatures are getting colder
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down to near 40 north and western suburbs. mid 40s in washington, southern and eastern suburbs, mid 40s. drop down to the 30s tonight. all over the region. went tomorrow morning. winds gusting over 40 miles an hour later today. still gusty tomorrow. morning snow >> and that's your latest weather. >> thanks very much. take a look inside on the sofa, jane bateman to talk about his new movie and jane krakowski talking about the end of "30 rock" and dr. oz. first, these messages. one. two. three. my credit card rewards are easy to remember with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. [ both ] 2% back on groceries. [ all ] 3% on gas. no hoops to jump through. i earn more cash back on the things i buy the most. [ woman ] it's as easy as... one! -two. -[ all ] three!
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the not so pretty truth about their body washes. i wouldn't change. [ female announcer ] this test paper was designed to react like your skin. if other body washes can strip this paper, imagine how harsh they can be to your skin. oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] new dove is different. its new breakthrough formula changes everything with the blend of gentle cleansers and nourishing nutrium moisture. so what do you think now? definitely switching to dove. [ female announcer ] this is new. this is different. this is care. new honey bunches of oats tgreek yohere we go.ole grain.. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time.
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i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. wwith a smartphone fromt straight talk wireless. she'll get the same nationwide coverage for half the cost. let's see notices. search flights. faster, faster, faster! i'm thinking she noticed. jill saved $950 a year. enough for a girls weekend to vegas. let your freak flag fly, jill. let it fly. same phones, same networks. half the cost. a top android with unlimited everything just $45 a month. straight talk wireless. only at walmart. [ male announcer ] make your escape... twice as rewarding. earn double points or double miles on all your hotel stays through march thirty first. sign up now at
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back now at 8:12 with the tragic death of the 15-year-old girl in chicago that's adding fuel to the national debate over gun violence. nbc with this story. good morning. >> good morning. she performed at the president's inauguration with the high school drill team and tuesday afternoon she was shot in the back leaving loved ones and authorities to deal with her senseless killing. >> she was honestly like the happiest person i show. and i don't know how like how to
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cope with this because it shouldn't have been her. it shouldn't have been any but especially not her. >> family and friends are mourning the death of 15-year-old hadiya pendleton, killed in a southside neighborhood less than a mile from president obama's chicago home. police say pendleton was huddled with a group of teens to escape the rain when an unidentified gunman jumped a fence anden ran towards the friends and opened fire. as he left the scene, pendleton's friends realized she had been shot. >> we were all running and we heard gunshots and she stopped running and said, i think i've been shot. i said, will you please stop joking? she said, no, seriously, i think i've been shot and she fell and time started moving in slow motion. >> reporter: police say pendleton was hit in the back and she died at the hospital. another teenage boy, 16, is in
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serious condition. pendleton was a sophomore at a prestigious high school in chicago, honor student and marching band majorette she was in washington for the inauguration as a member of her high school drill team. her parents, relatives and members of the community grappled with the sudden loss. >> it just hurts to know that another good one is gone. >> the tears in this family, the pain etched on their face is unacceptable to everybody in chicago. this is sandy hook. this is connecticut. this is newtown, right here. we have to be just as outraged. >> nothing pains you more than calling a fellow parent, trying to comfort them. >> reporter: chicago's mayor, rahm emanuel got emotional when he spoke to hadiya's mother,
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cleo. >> she had dreams and this gangbanger, punk, took that away from cleo and hadiya and in my view, they took it away from the city of chicago. >> reporter: for a doting dad and devoted little brother, it will be dreams unfulfilled and hearts filled with sorrow as hadiya's father directed his comments to the gunman. >> they took the light of my life. she was destined for great things. you stripped that from her. >> police say no bullet casings were found by investigators at the crime scene leading them to believe hadiya may have been shot with a revolver . no arrests have been made. >> thank you. such a sad story. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] when you're at the corner of "i'm a new parent"
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campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do. i had no idea what that was about but we liked it. you liked it, i liked it. >> back now with jason bateman, star of the new movie, identity thief, plays sandy bigelow and determined to bring the other sandy bigelow who's ruining his life, to justice. take a look. >> come over here and give me your wrists. >> okay. >> now, i have a plan -- >> i'm lady, animal. >> stop fighting me. >> you like that? you like that? how about that? you like that? this isn't a kid, sandy.
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>> don't! >> ow! f . >> stay down! >> you're like a girl. >> jason, good morning. welcome back. >> thank you. that scene hurt. >> she got you in the throat there really good. >> the throat punch was a fake. the smacks to the beak were real. my nose bled twice during the filming of that. >> just that scene? >> yeah. she's got a lot of angers issue, that one. >> she said physically she owns you during this movie. snow she did. i let her have me. i like to be submissive to women. >> we saw that actually a little earlier in the show. >> that was nice. >> you're a producer of this movie and you're the one who saw melissa in bridesmaids and said she'd be the perfect identity thief, even though the role was written for a guy. >> i, like everybody, fell in love with her and what she did
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in that movie. i went to the premier of that film and the next day, called the nudeio and my producing partner, scott, said, why don't we switch the feed from a man to a woman so i can work with this woman and do it quickly before th this film gets released to the public at the end of the week and she will be white hot. and she's way too expensive now. >> that ship has sailed. it happens everyday. people have their identities stolen and you found a way to put comedy into that. >> yes. we were doing the junket for this last week and 7 of the -- i don't know -- 12 journalists we talked to before lunch told us they had their identity stolen. it happens a ton. it's filled with comedy because it's a classic road trip movies. two of my favorite films are
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weath "planes and automobile" and "midnight run." we tried to mold this and the identity thievery is a nice way to get into that. >> you've been in this business a long time and sometimes because you have this very youthful appearance, you have to stop and remind yourself you've been doing this a long time. has your perspective on this business changed over the years? >> i'm increasingly more appreciative. it's really hard to stay employed in this business. i feel really fortunate. >> you are on a hot street. you were here not long ago for the "change-up" with ryan reynolds. >> you have to keep trying to work in good things with really really good people. melissa certainlyualifies in that. >> the movies funny. i'm going to see it but the clips look hysterical. good to have you here. >> thanks. >> we're going here because
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savannah is exquisihere with yo recent love interest in the studio, getting a pregnancy test no now. >> we will get to that. the series finale is tonight and self-absorbed tv star jenna maroney played by jane krakowski is already looking to the future. >> all television is beneath me. i will only play cinema. >> no one cares, jenna. >> i will get dog sedatives that will help me relax when i fly. >> jane krakowski, good morning. >> we will talk about your big scene with dr. oz and jason in a moment. seven seasons, what was it like filming for the last time. was it like high school, keep in touch and sign my yearbook? >> we knew at the start of the season we would only make 13 and this is the end and it didn't settle in to reality until the 13th episode and there were so
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many tears. i became known as the john boehner of "30 rock," i could not stop crying. >> for seven years as an actress, you had regular job and get up and go to basically the same place. how has it been since you stopped filming? what's the new normal. >> the new normal is wonderful because i have a 21-month-old son, bennett at home and i got to spend a lot more time with him and its wonderful. it is an adjustment and awesome to go to the s.a.g. awards and see the caste and have a red carpet reunion with them. i'm hoping my new job will be outsi outside. >> we will be taking applications for that. >> speaking of that, have you and any of your castmates spoken about doing something again? getting back together? >> you mean like a "30 rock" movie? >> a sequel. >> i think it's certainly like tonight for the season series, i hate saying those two words,
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series finale, we will all get together and watch it together. as you know, you made a guest starring appearance on our series finale. >> i was saying like your character, jenna, let's make it about me. how has it been? >> we have made so many numerous appearance appearances within the show and it has been a joyous seven seasons with all of you here. >> you have been very diplomatic, do you think of all the anchors from the "today" show, do you think my performance might be the best? >> i don't know. i have had a few magical moments with matt, i have to say. >> speaking of magical moments, you had an open mouth kiss with dr. oz and jason. did you get tongue there? >> i think i might be pregnant. >> we will find out. >> we don't know who the father is. >> there's two possibilities. we will see the season finale tonight, jane krakowski, great
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to see you. >> thank you so much. a pleasure. >> come back and see us any time with a restraining order. >> at 7:00 central here on good morning. 8:26. danella will be here in ten seconds. breaking news on this thursday morning. several high water rescues in maryland. showing you pictures here. moments ago. chopper 4 over brocks about bridge road in the laurel area. at least two cars are stranded on the washed-out road. it is unclear at this point if anyone is stuck in any of those cars. there are lots of other problems to tell you about on the roads as well this morning. want to go to danella sealock for the details on that. >> tracking a couple of accidents in our area. still tracking this one earlier today. gw parkway, as you make your way southbound, that crash is blocking the left lane.
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three vehicles are involved. let's head to the beltway. outer loop of the beltway. you can see jammed up colesville road. new hampshire avenue, a new hampshire avenue, a standstill.
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i never knew he liked me. we'd have to keep it quiet. or we could just tell h.r. happy valentine's day. it would never work. try the new brownie batter donut. get any six donuts for $3.99. america runs on dunkin'.
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sunny, winnie, colder today. gusts of winds 50 miles per hour. gusty and windy
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we're back now. 8:30 on a thursday morning, the 31st day of january, 2013. a little breezy here in new york city. temperatures not bad at all. i'm matt lauer, savannah guthrie. al roker and in for natalie, we
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have tamron hall. >> if you're in for good music, we have that in spades. sounds great. we will get a song in just a few moments. >> he does a scene from the a-team. >> you wish. >> no, he doesn't. >> it's called the a-team. >> all right. dr. oz with join us. he's got some new ways to fight the fat and boost your heart health. he's been hanging around all morning. >> all right. we have our friday field trip kicking off. tomorrow, natalie will be in balmer and i will be in san francisco, a preview of the super bowl, boothe teams of the harbowl going on. jenna. hey. >> hey, guys, good morning. we are three days away from the biggest football game of the year. no one is really talking xs and o's. the big story is the big sibling rivalry between the harbaugh
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brothers and when the harbaugh parents decided to sit down and brag about their did kids a little bit, you can bet, we were all ears. >> wow! >> with that one word, jack and jackie harbaugh said it all, the proud parents of two nfl head coaches who happen to be facing off in sunday's super bowl addressed a sea of reporters and cameras. >> you will ask us how we feel on this historic event. jackie, who has it better than us? nobody! >> and this is like frosting on the cake for our whole family. >> reporter: a long time coming for two brothers and two parents, who wear called the day their eldest son, john, told them he wanted to coach. >> we're having dinner and jackie says, john, what law school will it be? and john said, mom, i think i want to try coaching. jackie went face down into the mashed potatoes.
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>> reporter: and so followed his little brother, jim and now they're facing off in the ultimate showdown. >> it really is the ultimate showdown. two arch rivals facing each other in the biggest game of the year, especially if it's your brother. >> one guy who knows a thing or two about facing your brother on the football field, last year's super bowl mvp, eli manning. >> what's it like going against a brother? i know you didn't do it in the super bowl. still a lot of pressure there. >> it's fun. see him before the game, shake hands. the first play, he's on offense and i'm yelling at jason to sack him. hit him! hit him! >> fans are feeling the harbaugh's hardship. >> glad i'm not the parents. >> it will be exciting. those parents, they don't know who to vote for. >> reporter: ask mom, she's hoping they won't have to vote for any. >> i think the nfl changed that rule. i think if it ends in a tie, it will be a tie. >> reporter: just like good son, john and jim have one piece of
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advice for their parents. >> both of them have shared this with us, mom and dad, please promise us that you will enjoy this. please, please enjoy this experience, and we're trying. i promise you, we're trying. >> reporter: you know, they actually sat there almost an hour talking to everyone. they really enjoyed it. they played to the fans, played to the camera, played to the media. they did not favorites. they weren't going to go there. they want both teams to win. not going to happen, guys, i don't blame them. they won't pick a son. back to you. >> thank you very much. you're headed to san francisco? >> san francisco will be >> san francisco will be sunny, temperatures in the 40s in the morning. temperature a little on the chillier side. only in the upper 30s and low 40s. let's take a look and see what else we have for your weather. tomorrow it is going to be cold
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in t in the northeast. mice and mild through the southern tier of states. for saturday, more lake-effect snow. snow showers into the appalachians. plenty of sunshine and mild in the southwest. gulf coast. frigid in new england. sunday, sunday, the big game. lots of snow in the northeast. everybody is staying indoors. windy around the great lakes. frigid in the great lakes as well. showers moving into the pacific northwest. mice and warm along the gulf coast of texas. sunny and mild along the rest of the gulf coast as well. that's what's going on around the rest of the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> many creeks and streams running out of their banks. around virginia and maryland this morning. this feet september in by one of the twitter pollers. remington, virginia. way out of its banks there. flooding that road at tin pot run. winds gusting to 40 miles an hour. we may get a little higher later today. and we will fall down to the 30s all around the region tonight. 20s tomorrow morning. maybe a morning snow shower on friday. then again late saturday night into sunday. certainly peeling like winter
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by the way, we will be at the san francisco building and we want everybody to come down. come on down. we have a cable car, all sorts of food, the mayor is going to be there, it's going be huge, much bigger than what's going on in baltimore. >> wait a minute. natalie is not here. i have to stick up for my sister. baltimore will be great in the inner harbor, a beautiful city. >> it will be fantastic. >> love it. the tale of two cities tomorrow on "today." coming up, dr. oz shares his secrets for a healthier heart. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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88:38 this morning on "today's" healthy heart and dr. oz is the host of the oz show
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and here with simple tips to trim the fat. let's remind people of the connection, you have too much fat in your body that causes heart disease which way? >> it puts pressure inside your organs and causes high blood pressure and poisons your liver and insulin and causes diabetes. this morning, i'm talking about fat fighting solutions. so many tips, people doesn't appreciate it's right there. >> this got my attention and i worry people will think this sounds gimmicky. you call these fat merlts. the first is mct. i heart heard of it. mtc is coconut oil. these are short change fats. why is that important, normal fats like butter and lard are digested in a different way and end up in your hips and waist. these short fats like coconut oil use more like sugars but in
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a healthy way. turns out in trials people use 100 calories of food a day eating these. >> if you want more coconut oil in our diets, do we take it as a supplement or use it in cooking? >> you have a choice. you could take mct and buy it in bottles. my personal preference is replace butter and other saturated fat with coconut oil. great for eggs in the morning and one-to-one replacement for butte butter. >> this is another tip you have and very popular right now, greek yogurt. >> this is fascinating. they looked at folks who ate small serving of low fat yogurt before every maleal. they lost 80%. >> why does it do that? >> it sends a message to fat cells it can release the fat within it. fat, within your intestinal system, because you just it an
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it, when mixed with calcium, becomes soap and basically poops out soap from our body and because of that, we think you're absorbing less calories. and let's talk about one another thing that might prevent you from taking in fatty foods. vinegar is one? >> a lot of folks have been talking about apple cider vinegar but any source, pickles, doesn't matter. it changes how your body uses insulin. by controlling our sugar levels effectively, we deposit the fat effectively and don't crave it as much. >> you have barley. >> wonderful in oatmeal. i suggest you try it in morning for a change of pace. anti-craving tools, you have to remember, remember nothing else from the fat fighting solutions. roboist, no caffeine, won't have sugar in it and won't crave food and no caffeine to hurt your heart. finally the scent of vanilla.
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>> you're not ingesting it but the scent. >> use it as a cream or candle. if you light it before you eat, you will crave less and cut down on the fat in your body. >> you will be talking about it on your show all week long. good to have you here. thanks very much. coming up, should your kids still be taught cursive writing at school. this is "today" on nbc.
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back now from bow to wow and finding shelter dogs loving new homes. jill is here. good morning. >> hi, savannah, love the do. even though we're only month month into the new year, it's never too late to live by the new new year's resolution and i always live by the same one every year, opt to adopt now. >> hey, bud. you're about to go from a cage to a castle. >> this is a 6-month-old
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siberian husky mix. >> look how beautiful he is. sky is still a puppy and very rare special breed. i don't think we've ever had maybe one in five years. >> he was an owner surrender. >> give me a kiss. you want to play? yes. very playful. this adorable guy is named elvis, also a puppy. >> yeah. he's only nine months old and jack russell mix. >> very curious active dogs. >> very active. >> he is being an unbelievable sweetheart. let me ask you are you a descendent of eddie from the show "frazier?" >> this is the area i lovingly refer to as caddyshack because this is where all the kittens and cats are anxiously awaiting a home. look at this adorable guy. >> this is sheldon having his lunch right now. sheldon is six months old. >> hi. look how sweet he is. i literally took him away from
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his food and he says, it's okay. all right. very sweet. i'm not sure if you want more of your meal or a nap. >> last but not least, it's boomer time. >> a 2-year-old boxer mix. >> very well behaved and strong like an ox. >> doesn't he do tricks? boomer, i was told you shake hands. give me your paw. give me your paw. ah! shake on it. >> we have richard from the animal care and control in new york. nice to see you. >> nice to see you. >> let's bring out our first dog, a siberian hust ski, sky. >> sky is very energetic. you have to keep her mentally and physically stimulated all the time. loves to take a bath. gets in the bathtub and absolutely loves the water. she sits. >> does sky need a backyard? she needs space. >> she needs exercise. >> if you have another dog, a bigger dog because she'll tend to dominate the smaller dog. >> she's obviously tame, even willie can handle her.
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all right. thank you so much. next, we have elvis, who is a jack russell mix. a little puppy. we love jack russells. they're kind of hyper, right? >> very curious, will get into a lot of things. a lot of energy. if you have room on your bed, he will want to get in and snuggle with you. overall a very great dog. >> and great with kids. >> jack russells are very popular. >> so wonderful. >> other than being a little mischief vows from time-to-time and a lot of energy, this one is especially affection not. >> how much bigger will he get? >> still a puppy. won't get much bigger. >> we go from wow to meow. we have a little kitten. jackie is walking her out. >> another cudler. loves to cuddle. probably purring his head off right now. so sweet. between all the activity and everything going on, you see how calm the cat is. >> the situation with dogs is
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dire and even more for kittens and pets in the shelter, you really need to get out and adopt them. >> you hear about people adopting dogs. do they not adopt cats as frequently? >> we just get more cats, two-thirds more cats than rescue dogs and why we get more cats in our shelters. >> this one acts like a dog. jackie is in love. jackie, sheldon, thank you. >> last but not least, boomer being watched by none other than dr. oz. >> yeah. >> tell us about boomer. he looks like a solid little guy. >> boomer, paw, paw. >> that's not the first kiss dr. oz has gotten today. >> why don't you add dogs are good for the heart and blood pressure. >> so much information about being soul mates and pets and cab humans and therapeutic. >> loves to kiss, 2 years old but acts like a puppy and working on house training. >> we want to bring all the dogs
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and cat out so people can look. >> what do you think, dr. oz, want to take boomer home? >> i have a black lab. i have an flabador. snoop dogs and cats, thank you so much. coming up, we will have a great performance from one of music's breakout stars. this is "today" on nbc. >>
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back in december, billboard declared british singer songwriter, ed, the breakout songwriter in 2013. he just earned his very first grammy nomination. to top it off, he'll perform a due etted wit with elton john a awards show. >> you make it sound all right. >> you are a guy that used to do as many gigs you can do, used to sleep on couches, used to sell self-made albums out of a backpack and now you have a grammy nomination. what's that like? >> it's a bit insane, to be instantly accepted by the american music community. that's the stamp of approval to go there let alone and perform and be nom estimated. i'm looking forward to the whole thing. >> you're going to perform with
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sir elton john. that has to be a huge deal for you. >> yeah. i had to -- i had to kind of believe that first. quite unbelievable. >> a pinch me moment. >> i was speaking to my dad talking about it. we used to listen to elton john in the car going to school everyday and saying watch me. >> it's one of those things i hope you soak up. you have a song you will perform for the first time in the united states on our show. the love for lego came from? >> i'm not sure. i think like when i was younger, i could afford the little sets but never the big ones. i always wanted the big ones. now that i'm older, i want the big ones. >> we think you can afford the big sets. and in honor of your grammy nomination, we have this big
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one. we will get out of the way and hear you sing. get out of there! ladies and gentlemen, ed she sheeran. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm going to pick up the pieces and build a lego house when things go wrong we can knock it down ♪ ♪ the three words have true meaning but there's one thing on my mind ♪ ♪ it's for you and it's a cold december and i want you to keep me warm ♪ ♪ and keep you from the storm that's raging on now ♪ ♪ i'm out of touch i'm out of love ♪ ♪ i'll pick you up when you get down ♪ ♪ and out of all these things i've done i think i love you better now ♪ ♪ i'm out of sight i'm out of mind i'll do it all for you in
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time ♪ ♪ out of all these things i've done, i think i love you better no now ♪ ♪ i'm going to paint you by number and color you in ♪ ♪ i think i'll write and it's so hard to say it but i've been here before ♪ ♪ i will surrender up my heart and swap it with yours ♪ ♪ i'm out of touch out of love i will pick you when you get down ♪ ♪ out of all these things i've done i think i love you better now ♪ ♪ i'm out of sight i'm out of might i will give it all for you in time ♪ ♪ out of all these things i've done i think i love you better now ♪ ♪ hold me down now i think the
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base is breaking and it's more than i can take ♪ ♪ it's dark and cold december but i want you to keep me warm ♪ ♪ i keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on now ♪ ♪ now i'm out of touch i'm out of love i'll pick you when you're getting down ♪ ♪ and out of all these things i've done, i think i love you better now ♪ ♪ i'm out of sight i'm out of might ♪ ♪ i will do it all for you in time ♪ ♪ out of all these things i've done i think i love you better now ♪ ♪ i'm out of touch i'm out of love i'll pick you up when you're getting down ♪ ♪ out of all these things i've done i will love you better n now ♪
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>> ed sheeran. good luck at the grammys. we're back right after these messages. breaking news on this thursday, january 13, 2013. this is a high-water rescue. there is trouble on trails. here is danella sealock. good morning. >> good morning. the problem is downed trees along the brunswick east line. couple of trains affected.
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train number 894. it is stopped. 880 also stopped. 878 stopped as well. right now they requested bus service and metro is honoring m.a.r.c. tickets. the earlier accident is clear at colesville. >> tom is here with changes in
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good morning. creeks and streams running very high and flooding. we have winds gusting over 40 miles an hour. lots of sunshine today. turning colder throughout the day. the 20s by dawn tomorrow. maybe a morning snow shower on friday. windy and cold tomorrow with highs only in the 30s. lighter winds but cold for the weekend. could get some flurries late saturday night into sunday morning. >> thank you. do
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we're back now with more of "today" this thursday morning january 13, and we hear more of ed sheeran. a blustery day and not stopping people outside the studio coming in perhaps to see tamron hall but more likely to see mr. sheeran. >> i was sitting right here, watching ed's performance. i turned around and all these
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nice young ladies were waving like this. i said, it's good to see you and they said to me, move, move, i was blocking their view of ed sheeran. for that, ladies, i apologize. >> it was the last time, it was freezing and the girls lined up. i like his hair. >> and he has talent. can we talk about the elephant in this room right now? >> what? >> there's a scent, shall we call it a smell warm frofting t the halls of studio 1a. what's happening here just because you can't smell it obviously at home, the rich smell of brussel sprouts, a certain kind of brussel sprouts. tamron will be cooking for us later in this hour and it's a home cooked meal and there have been, shall we say, complaints. >> there are complaints currently, i'm listening to them and throwing them away. people keep coming up to me and saying what are you cooking? what is that smell? it's not my cooking. >> then what is it?
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>> i went to savannah's room and i don't know what's going on, i don't know what it is, i believe it's s.g.'s dressing room, i will leave it at that. >> wow! >> but the smell, i promise you, it can't be my brussel sprouts unless they got some d grade brussel sprouts somewhere. >> just to orient our audience, the kitchen is upstairs and we're downstairs, still getting a blast furnace of brussel sprouts. >> it smells like a blast of sewer. >> she's describing it. >> and willie will be eating it later. >> and stay tuned for the cooking segment with tamron hall. >> i'm so embarrassed. we are talking about the blackberry overhaul. the new blackberry operating system is being released. you saw the chairman earlier with matt and savannah. the q10, still has that physical
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keyboard and z 10 that has the digital keyboard. >> you like it? >> i like the screen. >> if you look at it, a lot like the iphone. same concept, you swipe around and get apps. what they've done for this new iteration for the blackberry. they improved the browser. that was a problem for a lot of people. great for e-mails but not so great to use the web. the question is if you've gone to iphoned and left blackberry, what's your incentive? because the concept is the same. >> we're both on iphones after blackberry. and i feel i'm being played by apple and i have the iphone 5 and stood in line for every generation. that's my phone and i'm working it out. i'm steve jobs. i have been played. i'm really tired of hearing a new report about a new apple product, so it makes me kind of
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tempted. but i'm not buy iing any more iphones period. i'm done. i promise you i will not spend another dollar on an iphone. i will be 80 carrying an iphone 5. >> i just got her off the rotary a few weeks ago. i think what's missing from the blackberry is that one thing that gives it the edge from the iphone, sort of equal and comparable with the technology. they've come up to the iphone standards. >> is it faster? >> no, it's not faster, all things equal but the prices are about the same. on the subject of the way we communicate. big piece on the front page of the "wall street journal" this morning, talking about the fact they don't teach cursive handwriting in schools anymore. a lot of school districts are getting rid of it. say we don't use it anymore, what's the point? we'd rather use that time teaching people how to use a
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board. question is, when is the last time you sat down not signing a check or wrote a sentence or paragraph incursive? >> i keep a journal and have since third grade. i go back and tend to read what i wrote the day before. what was i thinking? what did i say? that's the only time i write. after years of being tortured in catholic school and hit over the head to have great penmanship, my handwriting is terrible. >> let's test your cursive skills. what is yours? >> mine is a marker. 92 mine is not. this is my message to you about my kicking. >> chill will? >> chill will meaning back off my cooking. you can see that clearly. >> here's mine. you did that on purpose. you wanted to do this segment so you could show off your handwriting. that's beautiful penmanship. you misspelled sprout. >> did i? >> no, i'm kidding. just trying to get you back at
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something. >> we will continue to enjoy the sweet smells. our take two is "30 rock" signing off after seven seasons. the nbc hit is saying good-bye. tonight is the last episode. it was a cult hit, never quite had the ratings it probably deserved but it did so much for tina fey and especially alec baldwin, brought him back into our lives and tracy morgan, of course. we'll miss the show. were you a fan? did you watch it? >> a huge fan of the show. it is one of these things you can think about how something can be critically acclaimed but the mass don't watch the show, much like the oscars, you think of all the films, that i don't know song number 99 and it makes $50 million but a movie like "both of the southern wild" makes a minimal amount. it's intriguing. i don't know what it says about critics and mainstream, this show is genius, no doubt. >> we will miss it. the last show is tonight an hour special. >> have a party planned? >> i will probably watch with my
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wife. >> we'll bring over the brussel sprouts. >> no, no. a cleanup after a series of deadly storms rolled through the eastern half of the u.s., at least two deaths are being blamed on the storms that left entire neighborhoods in the southeast littered with debris. cell phone video shows one tornado touching down in georgia and the weather system is making its way through the northeast where there are flooded roads and actually trapped some people in their cars. an emotional plea from former congresswoman gabby giffords on gun control. giffords spoke for just one minute on the issue and said too many children are dying and now is the time to pass gun legislation. wayne lapierre the nra vice president says the government should not dictate what people can lawfully own. police in arizona are searching for the gunman who shot up an office building and killed one person. police say the 70-year-old suspect got into an argument with some people in that phoenix building when he pulled out the
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gun and started shooting. two other people were also critically hurt. a top ranking democratic senator is being questioned about trips he took to the dominican republic. this week, federal agents removed dozens of boxes from the office of a prominent florida eye doctor, whose trips with senator robert menendez prompted an ethics complaint and the senator recently wrote a $58,000 check for two flights to the company owned by that doctor after questions arose about the trips. a squatter who took up residence inside a multi-million dollar florida mansion must now get out. the eviction papers were served on wednesday to the 23-year-old man who called this $2.5 million mansion home for about a month. his story got a lot of attention after he took up residence in the house, citing the adverse possession law. bank of america is actually the owner of the home. this little guy is feeling the burn, you might say. check it out.
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little bandit is too young to go outside for his walk but determined to get in daily exercise, even if it means sharing the treadmill with a pal. the puppy apparently could not get the hang of it but the song says it's the thrill of the flight and bandit definitely had the thrill of the tiger. he needs to get away from the backside. dangerous there. nine minutes after the hour. now, a check of the weather. >> good morning, guys. wave had so many cute puppies on the show today. someone else the girls think is cute. you have ed sheeran's group over there. i have mine. and the voices alreare a little deeper. we are looking at a pretty interesting ituation setting up through the great lakes. we have this huge upper-level low and the winds are strong over the great lakes. they are still unfrozen. we are going to see a chance of lake-effect snow. we have lake-effect snow
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warnings in effect all across erie, pennsylvania, up into western new york, we are looking at that time potential of 12 to 18 inches of snow. two feet of snow in some areas over the next 72 hours. i don't think that they are screaming for the snow. that's just my guess. that's a look at the weather across the country. now here's a peek out your window. >> good morning. here in washington, we have the sky clearing out. winds have been gusting over 40 miles an hour. temperatures low and mid 40s around the metro. green, flooding out of the banks. we have many of the rural roads that cross the creeks and streams closed due to the high water which will recede later today. then we will have temperatures drop back down to the low 30s by mid might. 20s tomorrow morning. might get snow showers on friday morning. windy and code tomorrow. lighter winds but still cold over the weekend. might get snow showers saturday >> that is your latest forecast. tamron. >> all right. thank you. a journalist is on a worldwide chase to find proof that a man on trial for crimes against
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humanity is actually the cloned son of jesus christ. you got that? that's the premise of a new religious thriller "the sixth station." the author, linda stasi is a critic for the "new york post." >> good morning. >> good to see you, too. >> you're saying i'm a tabloid writer, i don't know how i got on this show. i will read this the rest of the weekend. >> i traveled with an ex-sorist priest at the vatican, studied with monks. >> is this a bar joke? >> the joke is what's a jaded tabloid writer like you doing in a nice place like this? i'm in a monastery with priests. it was just an incredible, incredible amount of research. i think i found something that is absolutely, i believe, has the dna of jesus christ on it
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and it exists in a monastery in italy. >> you have found, you suspect, the vaeil of veronica. explain to people you know. it is not in the bible. >> it is not in this bible. the sixth station of the cross, in almost every catholic church in the world they have the stations of the cross which are events that happened as jesus was carrying the cross. the sixth station of the cross depicts saint veronica wiping the face of jesus and a miraculous image appeared on the cross. the thing is there was no veronica but there is a veil of veronica. it actually, i believe, is the buri burr cloth -- burial cloth. >> look at this. on the left side this is shroud, a negative, not a positive image. on the right side is the actual veil of veronica. when the two are merged together, you actually get the real face of jesus christ.
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they match up precisely. they're hundreds of miles apart. in the book, "the sixth station," i actually traced the veil through 2,000 years of history and how it ended up in this little monastery. you say, how could it be if saint veronica never existed? that was a story made up in the middle ages. what it actually means is veronica is latin for true icon. so what i believe is that this was jesus' burial closth becaus 2,000 years ago i put a cloth on a jewish man's face when he died and wrapped the shroud around it which is why, according to a lot of researchers, these two images were together at one point. have to say, it has some feel, at least to the da vinci code and religious thriller. >> thank you. >> linda staci.
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thank you. >> thank you. >> everything from perfume and jewelry with jill martin, next. f killing that bacteria yesterday, just flaunting it? and did you see the magic eraser clean up that crazy kitchen mess? it was like super dirty, super clean. how? wish i hadn't. [ sniffs ] what's that amazing smell? it's mr. clean with the amazing scent of gain. wow! you know, if i had a team, you'd be on it. [ gasps ] our mascot could be a cleanosarus rex. you're off the team. [ male announcer ] dirt and grime have nowhere to hide with the mr. clean clean team on your side. [ male announcer ] dirt and grime have nowhere to hide a lipstain with wet shine! lipcolor... l'oreal creates caresse wet shine stain: the light weight formula delivers lasting color plus shine with 30% water. it's the wet look for my lips. l'oreal's new caresse wet shine stain. waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula.
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to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®. to get your family together for breakfast. [ clears throat ] [ female announcer ] in fact, they might work too well. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. to say get well to your loved ones. ♪ this came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but it takes the touch of kleenex® brand, america's softest tissue, to turn a gesture into a complete gift of care. [ barks ] send your own free kleenex® care pack... full of soothing essentials at kleenex®. america's softest tissue.
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because four out of five dogs over the age of three develop gum disease, and tartar buildup is a contributing factor. [ dog ] or new dentastix fresh. clinically proven to fight tartar and now with added ingredients to fight dog breath, too. progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on facebook. i've got to get breakfast ready for my two leading ladies. while managing their schedule with my producing partner. i set up kid's corner so they can learn and play games without deleting my stuff. "working mom" is sometimes a tough role to play, but it's definitely the one i was born for. [ clattering, children laughing ] and...action.
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that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] now buy one nokia lumia 920 for just $99.99 and get a second one free at at&t. back now at jill's steals and deals. "today's" contributor and jill martin is here to walk us through items perfect for valentine's day. good morning. good to see you. >> good morning. >> another holiday for love right around the corner. remind everyone how this works before we launch in. >> go on to right now. everything will sell out quickly. they have been. these are gifts you can give to someone else or to yourself for valentine's day, great staples. >> let's start out with the love scarf. i love the feel. >> 100% cashmere. retail $132. this is unisex. celeb fans include katie holmes, jennifer aniston and oprah, available in 10 colors. look now nice it is on you.
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>> this is so weighty. normally $132? >> the deal is $39, 100% cashmere. if you want it, go online now. >> popular gifts with valentine's perfume. >> do you speak french? >> my mother is a french teacher but i took spanish so i will do my best for tamron hall. that's all i know. the retail is $240. it's a three piece set in three fragrances each. the first is nantucket. go online. the second one is cashmere ma and the third is odevere. each comes in an etched perfume bottle from ritz carlton. $48 for the set and 80% off. i sprayed a little bit. i love the smoefl brussel sprouts but love the smell of this. >> you're so mean. >> cashmere adar is beautiful.
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next, what is valentine's without a beautiful bouquet. these are organic flowers? >> just for our viewer. $189.85. equal friendly roses grown in an organic environment. we're showing them in a vase. they come 50 in a box so you can split them up and put them around for yourself. the other thing is check the shipping, prices vary. retail $189.95, the deal, $56.95, 70% off. >> i like that these are organic. you can actually smell the roses now. a lot of flowers have been removed of all their scents. these are beautiful. next up, kenneth j. lane heart. >> these are pendants. heart stud earrings or pendants, rhodium silver or 18-karat gold plate a 16 inch chain.
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they're 18 carat gold plated total three carats, sold at nordstrom and celebs include anne hathaway and duchess of cambridge. the retail is $79. the deal, $18. >> wow! >> that's 77% off. >> that is excellent. this is so pretty. >> and classic. >> everybody would love that sxwrrkts i think. >> last but not least, what is valentine's day without -- >> lingerie. someone to wear this for or for yourself. the lace underwear set, sells $46-42, the floral lace comes in three colors an smooth lace comes in three patterns, all low rise. retail $36-42. the deal is $10. that's up to 76% off. >> i like these. >> yes. this is something for a special occasion. >> is it illegal to hold these up? >> i don't think so. >> i don't want to break any laws. >> not illegal for me. >> the love scarves and
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fragrance and cherche midi and organic bouquet and jewelry and lace underwear. log onto for coupon code and steals and deals, jill martin will put those on later. she's trying to try them on now. i'm not ready for them. just ahead. celebrity homes for sale from ashton kutcher's bachelor pad to an l.a. apartment. we replaced joe's smart phone with a samsung galaxy ii from straight talk wireless. he'll get the same great nationwide coverage for half the cost. let's see if he notices. everyone noticed. joe saved $950 a year. enough to buy some sweet mother of glory pyrotechnics. rock on, abigail. rock on. same phones, same networks. half the cost. a samsung galaxy s ll with unlimited everything just $45 a month. straight talk wireless. only at walmart.
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[ nyquil bottle ] just reading your label. relieve nasal congestion? sure don't you? [ nyquil bottle ] dude! [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker. today is going to be epic. quaker up. wthe sadness, anxiety,e pleasthe loss of interest. today is going to be epic. the fatigue and aches and pains. depression hurts.
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cymbalta can help with many symptoms of depression. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. simple pleasures shouldn't hurt. talk to your doctor about cymbalta. depression hurts. cymbalta can help.
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cnow with added whitening.... and concentrated formula. to clean and whiten laundry better than ever. and coffee is coffee, a quick bite is a quick bite, and play time is play time, because for 24 hours my heartburn is lights out. prevent acid for 24 hours with prevacid 24 hour. it floats. when hair is this hydrated, it flooows... introducing nexxus hydra-light: a higher standard in hair care that's full of moisture. free of heaviness. hydra-light's salon formulas with light, deep-sea minerals give up to 80% more moisturization that won't weigh hair down. for hair that captivatingly flows. new nexxus hydra-light. [ woman ] you'll never settle again. [ male announcer ] raise your standard.
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the fire marshal has been notified, tamron is cooking upstairs. wow. ♪ what? ♪ mmm. it looks delicious! i didn't work out this morning. i should try it? yeah. actually pretty tasty. sausage, egg and cheese. mmm! this is from special k? no way! that changes things. [ female announcer ] new special k flatbread breakfast sandwiches. with multi-grain flatbread, eggs, sausage, and cheese. it's only 240 calories. if you guys can come back tomorrow, it'd be fantastic. [ female announcer ] a breakfast revelation. what will you gain when you lose? i've got to get breakfast ready for my two leading ladies. while managing their schedule with my producing partner. i set up kid's corner so they can learn and play games without deleting my stuff. "working mom" is sometimes a tough role to play, but it's definitely the one i was born for. [ clattering, children laughing ] and...action.
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that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] now buy one nokia lumia 920 for just $99.99 and get a second one free at at&t. good morning. breaking news at 9:26 on this thursday morning. first, flooding now, downed trees impacting the morning commute. chopper 4 live over m.a.r.c. train tracks being blocked by trees. let's go to danella with more. >> here's what's happening on the m.a.r.c. train. brunswick east shut down now. if you are taking brunswick east train 894, it is stopped. 880 and 878 is stopped. metro is honoring m.a.r.c. tickets. buses have been requested in the area. we will go to northwest. porter street still shut down between connecticut avenue and beach drive in both directions. back oar to you. >> tom's forecast right after
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(woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy.
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♪ and it's beautiful good morning. i'm storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein. winds are whipping in out of the north and west and west-northwest. flag there right in front of union station got sunshine now. these are the latest wind gusts and have been around 30 to 40 miles an hour. we are going to see those gusts maybe as high as 50 miles an hour later today. then they will settle down tonight. right now we are in the low to mid 40s. 30s tonight. went tomorrow morning.
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30s tomorrow afternoon. with gusty winds, maybe morning snow showers. and maybe some more snow showers saturday night into sunday morning remaining cold first part of next week. >> thank you, tom.
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he went back. he doesn't want to do it. there you go. you can do it. there you go. [ applause [ applause ] >> the ravens! >> that settles it. the ravens will win the super bowl. jimmy fallon's scientific way to predict the super bowl. i wouldn't necessarily bet on that but maybe a good predictor of things to come. i'm willie geist and tamron hall. we are in the prep kitchen. i owe you an apology. it smells wonderful, fish and brussel sprouts. >> nothing like the dog food. >> what did he say zbrnchs. >> looks nothing like the dog
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food on jimmy fallon. >> i thought we were girls. what happened. >> you've only been cooking for a year. >> keep going. >> considering you've been slopping around in a kitchen for a year, loser, thanks. >> too late now, my friend, you're in deep. he's out there for today's friday field trip. natalie with be with the super bowl rivals in baltimore and we're in the kitchen because tamron will whip up a nice meal for us. >> i will share with you because i like you a lot. >> basically i've been cooking for a year. dedicated a lot of time and energy. a friend gave me a cooking class last year and since then, i think i've accomplished something i want to share. >> good. we look forward to it. >> meantime -- my hands are sweating, i'm not kidding you -- did i put on deodorant? it's all nerves right now.
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>> we have your back, as you can see. >> let's see if i have your tummy. most americans will be watching the big game sunday from their living room. believe it or not, there is still time to buy a really big big big willie style tv. we'll tell you where great deals are. i don't believe in big tvs? >> no. >> what do you have a 19-incher to watch the super bowl? terrible. do you want to live like a star? if you have millions of dollars burning a hole in your pocket. we'll check out celebrity homes for sale from ashton cukutcher barry bonds. >> i smelled brussel sprouts and that won me over immediately. i'm serious with that. weather will get better. know, t mood, fthough. we are done with those severe storms we dealt with yesterday and last night. tomorrow, though, that wind over the great lakes that are
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unfrozen will produce a lot of lake-effect snow. we could end up with nearly two feet of snow within the next 72 hours. snow showers are possible through the northern plains and back across the ohio river valley and then on sunday, we could see snow showers in the northeast as well. it does look sunny and cool in the southeast. here's a peek out your window. good morning. in the 70s last couple of days. prompting? some flowers to bloom. these are daffodils right outside of the alexandria ymca taken by julie carey. look at that. daffodils in full bloom. but they are going to be shivering later today with those winds gusting to around 40 to 50 miles an hour. temperatures low to mid 40s. down to the 30s tonight. went tomorrow morning. could get snow showers on those flowers tomorrow morning. and some sun in and out on >> that is your latest forecast. willie. >> thanks a lot. to today's real estate with a peek inside at celebrity homes for sale across the country.
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today's real estate contributor, barbara, good to see you. on balance, is it an advantage to have the celebrity name attached to a home? does it bring more money than it might get otherwise? >> that's the million dollar question. everyone is asking how much value does it add? my guess is between 15 and 25% depending how popular that celebrity is for the moment. >> ashton kutcher is a pretty popular guy and has a nice bachelor pad. >> good looking. >> no question. coming up, the apple movie coming out and playing steve jobs and you now can have his home. >> you can have it a beautiful place. 2.85 million, a long way from the prices in the town he grew up in grand rapids, michigan you can get the same home for a tenth of the price. he actually, before he married demi moore, renovated the entire place with his dad. think they should have hired a stager, every wall is done by him and his dad and open plan with high ceilings and two story wine cellar that hold 210 bottles in the background and a
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lush and private backyard that really adds the value in this house, a three-tier cascading waterfall. pool and spa. that is a beautiful house and well priced. >> $2.85 is a fair price? >> only because his name is attached to. i other than that, not at all. >> serena williams, has an apartment on the market for $1.85 million. >> this is really a starter home most great celebrities start on wilshire boulevard. this is only $1.85 million. it only has two bedrooms, this is what you get. 2400 square et. she paid a little bit less than $500,000 less for it than she bought it. she's looking to make a killing. beautiful, show eswhite, clean, a place anybody can move into. walls of windows and nice city views. that would kill me the window on the left, i would feel like i would fall out of it. the building has a concierge and spa and gym and the corner terrace and too bad it wasn't a
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little bit higher with the city views. >> we're making a big leap also in los angeles, barry bonds, a little bit of infamily given his steroid past. 25 million bucks. he was on house arrest a few years ago for obstruction of justice. is this where he's on house arrest. >> actually, he's trying to appeal the house arrest and didn't want to serve the 30 days. why wouldn't you want to do those 30 days. it's a mediterranean state with 2.5 acres and wait until you see the living room comes with the bear and fish tank and tv. kind of a wacky rendition of a room. everything in this place is fancy. soaring ceilings, some as high as 30 feet tall. hand-painted murals. that's the gym the guy works out in a man-sized gym, all he needs is a mike khouw angelo on the
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roof and that's your pool and house in the background, big backyard not. but for $25 million, it's overpriced. >> $25 million is a steep price to pay. our last one is howie mandel malibu place going for 7.75 million bucks. a good deal? >> a good deal. it's a clean house. you cannot find a speck of dirt in his house, nuts over germs. he's asking $500,000 more than a year ago. is he going to get it? yes. the malibu market is hopping. he's smart to take it off the market and cash in. there's an all white kitchen. is that clean enough? look at that floor. i don't think anybody has ever made a meal there. theater, office, gym, guesthouse, meticulous bedroom and out back it has a flat lot with a huge patio. that's beautiful, that house. this one will fly off the market. >> a beautiful house. that "deal or no deal" goes a
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long way. nice place, howie. not bad. up next, tamron shows off those cooking skills. we cannot wait. we'll join her in the kitchen after this. rgin i do have a healthy diet, but there are foods that i had no idea had so much acid in them. my dentist said that the acid in fruit, or fruit juice or fruit teas softens the enamel so that then it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel to help harden that enamel so that it's not brushed away. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. i can have the best of both worlds with pronamel. i new honey bunches of oats tgreek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek.
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something this delicious could only come from nature. new nectresse. the 100% natural no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. new nectresse. grab it by the crust. red baron pizza. with a zesty but sweet sauce rousing toppings and satisfaction for all. taste the legend. to the best vacation sp(all) the gulf! it doesn't matter which of our great states folks visit. mississippi, alabama, louisiana or florida, they're gonna love it. shaul, your alabama hospitality is incredible. thanks, karen. love your mississippi outdoors. i vote for your florida beaches, dawn. bill, this louisiana seafood is delicious. we're having such a great year on the gulf, we've decided to put aside our rivalry. now is the perfect time to visit anyone of our states. the beaches and waters couldn't be more beautiful.
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take a boat ride, go fishing or just lay in the sun. we've got coastline to explore and wildlife to photograph. and there's world class dining with our world famous seafood. so for a great vacation this year, come to the gulf. its all fabulous but i give florida the edge. right after mississippi. you mean alabama. say louisiana or there's no dessert. this invitation is brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone but her likes 50% more cash, but i have an idea. do you want a princess dress? yes. cupcakes? yes. do you want an etch-a-sketch? yes! do you want 50% more cash? no. you got talent. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. what's in your wallet? i usually say that.
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here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. and "i have no idea what i'm doing," you need a hand. well, walgreens is innovating to help. by making prescription refills this easy. and we're bringing our pharmacists out front to answer your questions. at walgreens, we'll do more than help you get well. we'll help you stay well and live well. because that's what it really means to be at the corner of happy and healthy. a couple days ago you may have heard tamron tell us she spent the last year, finally at the am in of 29, learning how to
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cook. we decided to put her to the test this morning. yesterday, we asked her to come up with something special. she's here to show us the skills. back story first, you decided you wanted to learn how to cook at this point. got yourself some lessons? >> yes. >> where are you now in the process? >> a year later, i think i'm oka okay. i think i'm like a lot of people. for 29 years eaten every meal in takeout. my mom, love ya, not a good cook either. i come from a second generation of bad cooks. my dad did all the cooking my entire life, every meal. i decided to learn to cook partly in honor of my dad and partly to survive. okay. what are we making? >> we're making a dish i make for myself probably two or three times a week. one of our amazing "today" show team members has been my coach, the wing beneath my wings. this is me recipe but i mastered
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it. you start off, you score your fish. that basically means you cut through the skin of the finish. that keeps the skin of the fish from crinkling. you try it. i like bronzino because it's a light fish. you can use any white fish. and add a little more on both sides. i'm in the infancy of my cooking. you salt that bad boy up. i have to get a signature thing like bam but not bam. i don't have it yet. you put a little pepper on there on the other side, too. i'm really nervous, i have to be honest. >> let me do it for you. >> my hands are shaking. the deal also heat your oil up and put the oil in the pan. what was taught to me was the oil needs to dance across the pan. you place your fish skinside
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down, go ahead, willie. about five minutes, all you need, five minutes, make sure the heat is hot. that's one of the mistakes i made, sticks to the pan, doesn't look very good. once you flip your fish on the other side two minute, this is what you come up with. >> a quick hit. >> you have five minutes on the skin side. remove your fish, plate that. i would suggest you put it in a tent of foil to keep it warm. now, your sauce. shallot, a sprig of thyme i only learned three months ago what a sprig of thyme was. i had to google it. put it in there. then, willie, i put in white wine. a lot of people don't like to cook with what they think is alcohol. you're not boozing it up. cooking the alcohol out of it. let that simmer and go down to half of what you have. here's your sauce. i am from the south and love butter. put in a little butter in there and whisk that up for me, willie. >> that is strong. >> that's what you come up with.
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>> once you put this down, put it over the fish. it's amazing. every cook -- oh, my god! >> by the way, you're one to talk. >> i'm sorry. >> tamron learning to cook, that is my stick. >> this is brussel sprouts. i roast every vegetable. it's amazing, try one. dig in. this is from boulevard, a famous restaurant from san francisco, potatoes with arug la whipped in. i made this, not this but one like it and savannah, i have mastered at least five things. >> let me tell you something, i was watching your segment. i actually understood what happened. you went nice and slow for people like us. >> we're in different categories, you're a beginner,
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intermediate. >> well i can still fa breeze this. >> this is where i am -- >> this time next year, i will be further along. >> you didn't taste my fish yet. >> these are delicious. >> this is burning but i will take care of it. the recipe is on is it? >> it is now. >> i'm proud of you. >> my dressing room smells great. you writer just teasing. >> i'm in full sweat. i think i'm going through the change. >> the big screen for the big game, best tv deals right after this. will willie, eat! good grief, i slaved over this! f my credit card rewards are easy to remember with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. [ both ] 2% back on groceries.
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[ all ] 3% on gas. no hoops to jump through. i earn more cash back on the things i buy the most. [ woman ] it's as easy as... one! -two. -[ all ] three! [ male announcer ] the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. apply online or at a bank of america near you. getting ready for the game. what game? the big game. today's wednesday. the big game is on sunday. pre-game! pre-game! [ men ] pre-game! [ male announcer ] every day is game day with totino's party pizzas and pizza rolls. stock up now. ♪ [ male announcer ] let's take every drop of courage, every ounce of inspiration,
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every bit of determination, and go where we've never gone before. ♪ introducing the radically new avalon. toyota. let's go places. you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. we're pregnant! honey! what? we're pregnant! we're pregnant? yeah! you're going to be a mom! you're going to be a dad! there's a little baby in there? there's a human being growing inside your stomach? yeah! now what? i don't know? what? introducing huggies mommy answers. the best advice in one place. from the brand new moms trust.
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♪ [ male announcer ] we touch a lot of things throughout the day. so it's nice that clorox disinfecting products help kill the germs that can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours. ♪ feels sweet when i can touch you ♪ on surfaces for up to 48 hours. wmeet dream fresh bb cream from? maybelline new york. the instant skin perfector. packed with 8 great skin benefits... maybelline's gelled water oil-free bb smoothes, improves*, hydrates, protects. dream fresh bb maybe it's maybelline. to get your family together for breakfast. [ clears throat ] [ female announcer ] in fact, they might work too well. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. i've got to get breakfast ready for my two leading ladies. while managing their schedule with my producing partner. i set up kid's corner so they can learn and play games without deleting my stuff. "working mom" is sometimes
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a tough role to play, but it's definitely the one i was born for. [ clattering, children laughing ] and...action. that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] now buy one nokia lumia 920 for just $99.99 and get a second one free at at&t. this morning on "today's" tech, if you've been in the market for a television, turns out super bowl season is the time to find a good deal. mario armstrong is our digital contributor, ravens style. we know who you're rooting for for the big game. >> obviously. >> the question is how are you going to watch the game? how should we watch the game. >> the first thing i want folks to do, cut out the cardboard or whatever you have around the house for the screen size. a couple tips you should know. do the research online, read the reviews and know the size you
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actually want in the space. also, invest in sound, many have puny speakers and don't sound great. cut out a piece. this is 47 inches. if you were to hang this up on the wall, it would give you a sense of what you're shopping for. most importantly, when you're doing super bowl events, the angle. not everyone will be watching this dead on. people will be looking at it at an angle and make sure the tv has a good angle for viewing. >> and look at it from all scenarios. >> don't hang it too high. >> you don't want to be in the front row of a movie theater, don't hang it together. >> what is the average price? the more money you spend the better? >>. >> that's not always the case, depending on the room side you're in. you're talking 700 to 1,000 for these specials. this one is an lg, under 600 bucks. this one is at target, looks great, beautiful, for $579, a
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great tv, 77 inches, not huge but will fit in most rooms. >> this one is pretty easy to mount compared to others? >> lightweight. you want to make sure when you are mounting you're looking out for lighting an any of those issues. also the height once again of mounting. one drawback with this guy, two hdmi ports. those are the things you connect like your cable box and dvd player, not a lot for a lot of folks, you may want four. >> why do you like this one? >> this is a sony, internet tv, bigg bigger, 50 inches and off by 200 bucks on and internet tv and you can get access to hulu or web content. >> good for a family that can use it in a lot of ways. >> the big dog, 60 inches, smart tv. >> you can connect to the web and pull up facebook or youtube
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or huh huhulu. >> you don't need a computer. >> this one is very huge, 60 inch. you look at the side, very thin. the issue is puny speakers. the sound on these things -- i went to my aunt's house, if she's watching, don't get mad at me. this is my wife's aunt. she had beautiful screen, beautiful playoff game going on, puny speakers. i'm hooking you up, got to get that sound bar. >> pretty good deals. we're back in a moment at nbc.
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tomorrow, super bowl theme, field trip, al live in san francisco and natalie in baltimore. >> first your news and weather. [ female announcer ] why settle for plain bread?
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here's a better idea.
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pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. [ malcrrkkhshziiiizzlllee. to this symphony of flavor: beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. breaking news at 9:57. flooding causing major problems in our region. this was the scene over brock bridge road in laurel a few hours ago. two cars trapped there. and flood warnings have been extended into the afternoon. tom is here with the rest of your forecast. >> now we have winds that are increasing. latest wind gusts now are over 40 miles an hour. as we approach 10:00, gusts up to 40 to 50 miles an hour later
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this afternoon. it is getting colder. temperatures just in the upper 30s and near 40 degrees. north and west of washington. throw mid 40s elsewhere. later today. we will have the winds decreasing by mitt. more tomorrow and cold into the weekend. how's traffic? >> still checking on a couple of incidents in our area. talking about downed wires. this is along eastbound river road just before the beltway. traffic lights are out in the area as well. flooding, we will talk about. gaithersburg now, we saw this closing earlier this morning. still flooded at bowie mill road. >> thank you. you have heard of brow lifts and tummy tux.
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(woman) 3 days of walking to give a break cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful
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. from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> we're so happy you're with us today. it's thirsty thursday. boy, are we thersy. how many days left? >> day six. >> today we're drinking a strawberry basil mocktail. we always say they're great. just missing one little thing. >> i can't put my finger on it. >> you whan we are excited about, though, hodie? >> we are going to be heading out in about a week. >> yeah.
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>> we are going to sunny california. we will be doing two weeks of shows there. santa monica place near the third street promenade on february th and sunday the 10th. >> we'll give you more details, but we want you to come out because we want a wild and raucus crowd. >> think of spring break. >> but dress appropriate. >> i don't know how chilly. i don't even care. i'm wearing summer clothes because i feel like i want to be in summertime. no matter what the weather will be. >> it can be very chilly. don't say that, hoda. >> i don't care. i'm doing it. >> it won't be. >> we're excited. we're going to have a fun two weeks in february. it's like our sweepstakes, you know what i'm saying? >> i think that starts -- dmroo it does. >> what is this plea for an oscar winner? >> it's so funny. ann hathaway was in "les mis "sxoi she sang that song so
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beautifully. it was beautiful. so there's a woman who decided she was going to have a little fun with this. it's a viral video. they call it for your consideration. the actress's name is emma fitzpatrick. she's trying to remind voters why ann hathaway should, in fact, win. >> deserves that oscar. ♪ i played a prostitute who died ♪ ♪ her life was really sad and awful ♪ ♪ but i was bold and not afraid ♪ ♪ i let them give me this new haircut ♪ ♪ and i lost half my body weight ♪ ♪ but then they never did a wide
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shot ♪ >> a wide shot. >> give her the oscar. >> she's apparently an actress, but obviously a singer. she's got some chops on her. >> she went to usc. >> i read that somewhere, but i might have made that up. well, guess who else is -- guess who is performing at the oscars? >> very excited about this. i wonder who is going to be an omage to the great, great -- >> barbara streisand. she's going to be singing. the last time they say that she performed was the night when she sang the theme from "a star is born," but she just had a concert because i went to it. >> no, on the oscars. last time she performed on the oscars. >> you know what, she always has a lot of -- >> she's retired several times, but so has cher. >> i think people have the best intentions to retire, like regis, then you say, like, people are demanding that i be back and so they go back.
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>> speaking of good singers, we have a good one today. his name is ed sharon, and if you don't know him, your kids probably do. he is singing a great song. listen to this. you might know this song. ♪ go outside tonight and she flies in her motherland sells love to another man it's too cold outside ♪ >> he sounds a little like jason mark, doesn't he -- or mraz in him? he is terrific. he is going to perform for us. >> now, the super bowl is coming up, and i know at least from a lot of my friends because there's not a team that everyone has known for years or followed like dallas or the steelers or the giants or somebody, a lot of people aren't really as interested. >> not as caught up in the hooplah. >> they are excited about the two brothers that will be playing. >> the two brothers. i decided -- i know you are picking -- >> i'm going with the ravens because i grew up in maryland, and frank has great friends on the owner of the team. >> i'm going for the ravens
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because i watched the blind side. did you see that? do you remember? >> i loved it. >> oh, my god. that's michael orr. >> that's me. i stole it. >> looks just like you, sandra. i hope that michael's mom will be there in the stands. i'm sure she'll have a shout-out. >> every year we say we're not going to have our super bowl party. >> are you doing it? >> we have said it every year, and always done it, and this year we are really not doing it. >> really? >> really not doing it. >> how come? you just decided not to? >> we're old. we don't really like anybody anymore. >> you are over it. >> not people we want to spend that kind of quality time with, no. >> a lot of people do -- >> we are getting old. >> you don't want -- >> it's a lot of work. >> you know what, though, your super bowl parties are crazy. good. i'm coming over. >> we'll have it. >> whether you like it or not. knock, knock, knock. >> not one person is calling to say what about the party? not one person has called.
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>> we have a man who has predicted the super bowl. it's not jimmy fallon, but it is his dog. >> they get it wrong, though. >> not this year. this year they're right. we're going to watch. this is how jimmy did an unscientific study of who will win the super bowl. take a look. >> he went back. there you go. you can do it. take it. there you go. the ravens. oh, my goodness. >> wow. >> yeah. >> nobody -- >> the other one is just sitting there. the 49ers. >> they're not the sharpest tacks on the board. they are fighting over one bowl when they could move a few inches to the left and have the bowl all to themselves. >> you are right. >> not very smart. they're adorable. >> right. >> look how cute they are. oh. >> they really are. what's happening with your puppy? >> i want a puppy, and i have
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one that came on the show. do you remember? buffy. >> who was precious. >> and then -- >> buffy was already taken. >> i know. i wanted to have the family on so we could have a fight, but we decided not to. i would just like to wait until after the book tour. >> now you got to wait until after we get back from california. >> i'm doing it in march. >> i'm warning you about. it's never a good team. it's like being pregnant. there's not a good time. just do it where. >> march is going -- >> i can't do it in february. >> this is like a child, hoda. it's not the last trip. you don't throw it up with your jeans and think it's going to be there when you get home. you know this. >> i have a dog walker already. before i have my dog. >> she's a dog feeder too. >> are you ready for some fun? >> no, no. >> this one is good. >> this is what i really missed. >> this is an old school song, so it's going to take you back. you need to close your eyes. go back in time. listen to this -- >> is it doris day?
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>> you are going to want to dance. >> oh. "can't touch that." ♪ she's a very kinky girl >> right off the bat i hate it. ♪ the kind you don't bring home to mother ♪ >> called hoda. >> i wish i could hear it. ♪ she likes the boys in the band. >> i bet she does. >> get ready. this is where it gets really good. ♪ it's the right time >> ready? ready? here we go. ♪ that girl is pretty wild ♪ the girl's a super freak ♪ the kind you read about ♪ every kind you meet >> it's hard to remember that she was once "dateline" hoda, and now she's into super freak. you know what this means. >> i know.
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>> an excellent well-written song. >> speaking of inspirational, are you the same woman who wrote this "new york times" best selling book two weeks in a row? hoda woman, i'm proud of you. give it up for hodie. >> give it up. that was a big surprise. we wanted to thank people because people were sending in those photos. remember we were going to have a contest. >> we forgot all about them. >> we asked you to send a picture in of what you looked like ten years ago. >> after. >> we were going to invite you to lunch. we have the winner of this. these are the second place winners. we have five of them. >> they are going to -- >> signed copy ten years later. >> aren't those cute? look at the before and afters. look at her. look at all the weight she lost. >> good for her. >> look at him. come on. look at him. >> and look at the three of them in the wagon. look. oh, wait. >> you can barely -- >> the grand prize winner, hoda woman? come to new york and have lunch with you. >> and with you. >> and a signed copy of the book. her name is julie westhoff.
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julie is here with her niece. she's on a break from chemotherapy. fast forward ten years, and look at that christmas celebration. look at her. >> breast cancer and ovarian cancer. you know what, hopefully she's going to feel great when she comes to have lunch with you and me. >> and you. >> it's time for okay or not okay. >> here's the question. is it okay to bring your kids to the salon and spa for treatments? here are the answers. >> of course, it is, and doing it together is even better. oh, you. >> yes, it's okay, but only if it's for special occasions. let's not start a weekly maintenance. >> you know, keep the brazilians until at least they're 13. >> that's disgusting. >> that's just not right. >> remember this. we're playing this getting your game on thing where we find a couple of people outside. >> sara is outside. we're going to take two. >> we have a great crowd out
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here today, you guys. >> i want the girl with the dog. >> kathie wants you. hoda you got a big crowd out here. >> go to -- >> yellow, yellow, yellow. yeah, right there. come on. bring it on in. >> that's turning out to be a fun thing. i think it's a lot of fun. >> hair and makeup. we cannot wait to check out their hot new looks. our ambush makeover and two lucky ladies right after this. i'll give you five. need a good reason to change shampoo? l'oreal paris creates new total repair 5. our most advanced level of haircare. it fights five of the top hair problems. total repair 5 with ceramide targets weak, limp, lifeless, dull, and straw-like hair. my hair is transformed, full. feels stronger with a healthy shine. total repair from root to core to tip. five problems, one solution. change the life of your hair. with new total repair 5. l'oreal's most advanced haircare. because you are totally worth it.
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you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios people have been daring them to clean up tough messes. my fans think a paper towel can't handle this. ♪ that is tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes.
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[ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules they live at and they just want to help you get a great deal on your rental car. just click on the alamo deal retriever℠. and get our best deal, customized for you. because everyone loves a little getaway... alamo. these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual. what's she up to? the new root touch-up by nice'n easy has the most shade choices, designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. with the new root touch-up, all they see is you.
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behind the silver of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh, local milk, blended with real wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. because we believe in fresh taste. that's the way we set the standard for intensely rich, luscious flavor. so our story of fresh taste always ends... deliciously. when it comes to taste, philadelphia sets the standard. ♪ >> all right. time for our plaza ambush makeover where two lucky ladies are plucked from the plaza and surprised with head to toe new looks. makeover magic. today contributor and style tois the stars loose is lacari, la, la, la, la, la. sdmroog whoa. >> people style watch, contributing editor and author
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jill martin. now, what an interesting day outside. it started off stormy in new york. >> have you ever experienced that? >> no. >> the wind was worse than hurricane sandy where i live. >> i woke up at 4:00 a.m. and thought what are we going to do for ambush? who is going to be there? >> there was a crowd. there was a small crowd. it was rainy. it was windy. we found two great -- >> she's 40 from boston, massachusetts. she spends hours trying to manage her hair every morning, but she never is happy with the way it turns out. she was thrilled at a chance to get a brand new style. let's listen to her story. >> tell me what you're feeling right now? >> i'm just, yeah, really nervous. not sure how this is all going to turn out. i don't usually change my look very often, so it's going to be interesting. >> all righty. guess who is with us? jim, her husband, and her daughters briana and jamie.
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keep your blindfolds on, and he'll give you a green light when to take them off. here is cindy before. all right, cindy. let's see the new you. ♪ come on, vogue >> oh, nice. >> all right, kids. take off your blindfolds. >> oh. >> all right, cindy. you ready? >> oh, my gosh. >> you look great. absolutely great. >> you look great. >> that's not me. >> that's you. look right there. louis, tell us about the hair. >> cindy, you look so gorgeous. >> you look great. >> she had highlights that were too light for her face color. i made her hair just a slight more warm brown, and then brigitte gave her this great haircut. she looks fantastic. >> kids, dad, what do you think? >> looks great. >> there it is. love that dress on her. show it. >> macy's is helping us on
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our -- >> she's working it. >> with this dress lauren by ralph lauren, and just a beautiful wrap dress. i know. great for valentine's night too when jim goes crazy. big applause for cindy. you can join your family. our second lady is sharon, who is 69 from seattle, washington. she told us that she spends so little time on herself that even her family has started yelling at her for it, so she jumped at the opportunity to come pavrperred for a few hours. let's hear her story. >> i know it's been a tough few years, and you really want this for mom. >> i do. i'm really excited about this. >> and you tell me that you have a love affair with new york, so tell me what your ultimate look would be. >> oh, i don't know. young, sexy. i don't know. >> i think we can give you that. what do you think of all this? >> that would be great. that would be fun to see her
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that way. >> she has come to the right place. she's here with her beautiful daughter jennifer. let's take a look at sharon and bring the new sharon right out. ♪ feel the rain on your skin >> oh, my god. that is sassy all right. don't look. she wasn't going to wait for it. wow. >> sharon, turn around and look at this. >> put your glasses on. love. >> that is beautiful. >> i wish you could see the back of it. that's gorgeous, that haircut. look at that. >> that is so cute. >> it's darling. >> well, we have something pretty drastic there. stoo pretty amazing, right? this just shows the power of the haircut and hair color and a little bit of makeup. we made -- you are sassy. let me tell you. and young. the bangs and the hair color. her hair color was too blonde, too faded, and all of a sudden
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we just gave you that -- we gave you ten years. >> easily ten. look at the body on this woman. >> i love her. nothing says sassy like sequins, so this is ing from macy's, and not your daughter's jeans, which she loves. she loved the jacket when she put it on. >> that is a -- >> i love it. i love it. >> well, keep having your love affair with new york. >> thank you. i love new york. >> be careful, sweetie. >> thank you. all right. it's puppy love. >> oh yeah. so cute. >> right after this. the natural energy of peanuts
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and delicious, soft caramel. to fill you up and keep you moving, whatever your moves. payday. fill up and go! itstronger so it holds up bebetter, kind of angel soft®. it's now built with two softshield™ layers. when wet, new angel soft® is one, two, three times stronger than the leading value brand. well done, angels! stronger, holds up better...
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all wrapped up in a value you love. new angel soft®. now stronger than ever. i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day
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helps defend against these digestive issues... with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. [ male announcer ] when we built the cadillac ats from the ground up to be the world's best sport sedan... ♪ ...people noticed. ♪ the all-new cadillac ats -- 2013 north american car of the year. ♪ for a limited time, take advantage of this exceptional offer on the all-new cadillac ats. >> it's time for web tossic where sara will be digging up the video you'lling forwarding to all your next friend. sara, the puppy pin wheel. >> this video was created by a small scottie breeder in
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colorado. the puppies love goat's milk and have an unusual habit every time their favorite drink is served. check it out. >> come on. >> how cute. >> their tail always goes opposite of whichever direction they go. that's how they vy for position. i'm sure one started to walk and they all followed. >> that happens every time? >> every time she puts the goat milk down that happens. >> that is adorable. >> it's -- >> it's the most adorable thing. >> our second video, hate to stop that one, but the second video comes from youtube featuring a door knocker that comes to life. ♪
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>> ow. ♪ >> oh, my gosh. one more. got do see it, and go. ♪ >> it's a young girl too. the funny part is when she shows her face -- >> this is ownerry stuff. >> there's actually a man that's in a wheelchair and asked for help to deliver the package to get them to go, so those people are all being good samaritans helping someone take a package and then -- >> she knocked on the face. >> look how young the girl is, though? >> she knocked on her face. >> that was sweet. >> they're doing a good deed, and that's what they get for that. >> no good deed goes unpunished. >> it is time to spin that wheel. we're going to find out what we're playing. we'll get our game on. >> i can't wait to see where it lands. >> we are going to do what? >> then if you plan on spicing things up in the bedroom this valentine's day, we have apps that will help you keep the home
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fires burning and continue spinning. >> billboard magazine called him the break-out star of 2013. a performance from grammy nominated singer songwriter ed sheeran. first, your local news and weather. a big party for the big game. let's see if walmart's low price guarantee can make you the mvp of savings. look at that price. wow! walmart lowers thousands of prices every week. if you find a lower advertised price, they'll match it at the register. no way! yeah! touchdown! ready? get out! that's the walmart low price guarantee! see for yourself! bring in your last receipt, see how much you can save. see for yourself! get great prices on everything you need for your game time party. like rotel diced tomatoes and popcorn, indiana original kettle corn backed by walmart's low price guarantee. ♪ yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious
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whoa. i forgot how good these taste! when you color a lot, you need a color that cares a lot. only excellence crème from l'oreal has triple protection. pre-treatment seals fragile ends. color cream protects. deep conditioning for rich, radiant color. and grays? gone! l'oreal's excellence. ho w do edelicious hershey's chocolate with 30% less fat? hershey's simple pleasures chocolate. 30% less fat, 100% delicious.
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perdue is the first and the only chicken company to have usda process verified programs for fresh, all natural chicken. our chickens are not fed steroids or hormones. [ jim ] we raise our chickens cage-free. we're trying to make a better chicken. these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real.
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in the nation and unbeatable picture quality. it's 100% fiber optic, 100% different from cable. switch to fios for an incredible price online, just $89.99 a month with a 2-year agreement, plus get $300 back. or, get this great price with no annual contract. hurry, this offer ends february 2nd. go to today. and see why millions have switched to america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. that i put on my children's plate.
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that's why we use all-white meat, breading that is whole grain with omega-3 and no preservatives. it is my goal to make the highest quality, best-tasting nugget on the market. i want consumers to go, "dang, that's a good nugget." ♪ >> back now with more of "today" on this thirsty thursday. valentine's day is probably the one time you want to put away all the iphones and gadgets and cozy up to the one you love, right, hodie? >> that sounds like something you would say. there are actually some fun apps and web sites that make it easier to set the mood and keep the romance alive, and guess who is here, carly. >> we want to know why. >> she's the founder of did you >> less talk. let's have a beautiful valentine's day with the ones we love. let's start with bra shopping. >> i hate bra shopping.
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>> right? true and company wants to change all that. you go on their website and take a two minute fit quiz like what's your favorite bra, so do the girls fit in it and all that kind of stuff, and they pick out all kinds of hinges that they think would fit well on you and you choose five thaw like. you can keep them for a week, have a sexy fashion show for your man. return the rest. >> now, bras are so expensive, aren't had he? >> they really are. >> they start at $45, but the shipping is free both ways. that's how that works. >> all right. >> everybody looks better by candlelight, right? >> yes. or in the dark. >> so cue the lights, right? these are these beautiful flameless candles. they're made of wax. just like candles. they won't burn your house down when you're making out. some of these are on remote control. >> no, they're not. >> you can, like, get frisky and then just click and everybody looks better by candlelight. >> what are the price point? >> they start at $16. >> cute. >> okay. if i don't feel good about my
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body, no one gets to see me naked. that's the rule. i need all the help i can get. it's a little band that talks to your phone. it's going to track your workouts and help you track what you eat and eat a little better. it's going to coach you. also has a bonus feature that i love where it will wake you up with a vibration, a silent vibration on your wrist. if you want to head to the early morning workout class, you won't wake up your spouse, and now everybody is happy. $149. >> it's important. why are you yawning? >> i don't know. >> let's wake you up. >> what is this? >> this is about the temperature wars. okay? i have heard -- you have said many times that you sleep in the buff to try to stay cool in bed. this is for you. i want you to lied down on this bed. tell me about the chilly pad because it's a heating and cooling mattress pad. this one is heating up. this one is getting cooler.
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>> wait a minute. okay? what is she supposed to do? >> you're just going to lie down and feel the beautiful coolness of the mattress pad. >> does it feel cool? >> it comes in king and queen. >> it's at 50 degrees. >> turn it up. >> bigger ones come with dual zones so your husband can be warmer, you can be colder. no one fights over the temperature. >> it's almost like i'm looking for where a fan is hitting mre, but it's not. it's underneath. >> this goes you should your bed. you have the remote control to control it, and there's cool water that is circulating in here. >> i like it. >> does it feel comfortable? >> i'm confused because it feels like there's a vent coming, but -- >> that's the air. >> there's a vent. that's because there's a vent. >> yeah, works great. love it. >> come on over here. >> get over here. >> we talk about music. maybe you don't know everything there is to know about music. >> hoda does. >> songza will take care of that.
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they have music experts, dj's, musicologists. they are creating play lists based on mood. i have one here about candlelight dinner. you might -- we might have a little bit of barry white coming out in a minute. >> there it is. >> nothing puts you in the mood more. zi love barry white. yeah. >> you are going to hear norah jones on this and ereka. then if you want to jump in the sack later, there's a whole different play list for that. >> she's nasty. >> i had no idea. >> i did not know. >> okay. let's say you want -- moving on. let's say you want to have a romantic trip, last minute at a hotel. you want cho technical out hotels tonight. this is an amazing website, an app, that gives you last minute deals that go on sale the day of. sometimes up to 70% off of hotel rooms. the ones near us in new york are live get, but -- >> i love edinburgh. what an amazing city?
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i love it. >> it gives you the price? that's great. terrific. >> alabama or england? >> that is england. >> there is a big difference. >> be careful. >> just warning you. >> they're in your city. they're in tons of cities. you can book a hotel. >> this is it. >> we've got a lot going on. >> thanks. >> i love you both anyway. >> happy early valentine's. >> is your home making you sick? healthy house tips to make you breathe easier after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker. today is going to be epic. quaker up.
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another viva dare. our fans think there's a rule that a paper towel can't handle this. fans? now that's tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. this is what they do for fun. home of the all-new grilled onion cheddar burger, topped with melty white cheddar and caramelized onions. plus all your tasty favorites for just a dollar each. every day. ♪ so this year, make the most of it. fly like you've never been grounded. scream like you've never been shushed. let go like you have nothing to lose. and hold on to what matters most. it's your vacation. don't just take it. mean it. universal orlando. vacation like you mean it.
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behind the silver of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh, local milk, blended with real wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. because we believe in fresh taste. that's the way we set the standard for intensely rich, luscious flavor. so our story of fresh taste always ends... deliciously. when it comes to taste, philadelphia sets the standard. this reduced sodium soup says it may help lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just have to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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so it can feel like you're using nothing at all. but neosporin® eczema essentials™ is different. its multi-action formula restores visibly healthier skin in 3 days. neosporin® eczema essentials™. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles are a great way to get your family together for breakfast. in fact, they might work too well. [ ding! ] [ shuffling, scooting ] [ clears throat ] [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] golden, crispy outside. warm and fluffy inside. we are one good-looking family. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious.
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welcome back to "today's" healthy home. if you have been avoiding the outdoors sow don't get sick, turns on the it may be more unhealthy to stay inside your house. >> experts say there may be up to five times more air pollution inside your home. >> oh, my gosh. >> here with tips to keep the air fresh is jevon o'connor, deputy editor of "prevention magazine." >> i remember it's "prevention." >> health. >> you don't often think of that. you think the bad stuff is outside. >> actually, with the windows closed in the winter, you're talking to 100 times worse air quality. >> let's start in the kitchen, shall we? a lot of people put the vents on when they're doing stuff.
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is that the right thing to do? >> every single time you cook, you want the vent on your range running. on high if you can deal with the noise because it takes moisture, steam, smoke out of the air. otherwise, your family is inhaling it for hours after you cook. >> when you are cooking, you have the choice, obviously, of use the back burners or front burner. >> if you can remember, use the back burner. the air more readily will get sucked into the vent that way. >> how do we get to this age? >> i don't know. but you did. >> all right. what about painting? a lot of people obviously do that and that's one of those things that did. >> if are you introducing new furniture or doing a paint job or -- >> this is the time when you want the windows open and fans running because they can release volatile organic compounds. >> what did k you do if you have to get it done? >> use a zero voc certified pabt. look for a green seal. again, if you can keep the windows open at least a little bit helps. >> crack them. >> now to the bathroom, which you know that's trouble.
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>> you know that's trouble. every time you shower, you need to run the fan. you need to -- >> what if you don't have a fan if. >> you can get one installed. it costs a few hundred dollars. make sure the fan is going outside your house and not to your attic. moisture can go on the surface and create mold, which then you'll have a mold problem in your attic. >> what about people who live in apartments? >> have you no choice. >> you don't have a choice. that's life zoosh can you talk to your super. there might be regulations in certain areas that require them. >> good luck with that. >> in the city, no chance. >> one time i was in my house, and the carbon monoxide detector -- >> went off? >> went off. i didn't know what to do. i opened the windows. what causes it? >> what did do you about it? >> i opened all the windows and went back to bed. i was tired. >> oh, hoda. >> from your car, they release carbon monoxide. you immediate them on every floor of your house, including the basement. there are new gadgets.
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>> pay attention to them when they go off. >> i just take my shoe and just bang it. >> the windows are open. >> in the middle of the night is not a good time to die, hoda. >> i'm sorry you have to deal with this. i have to on a regular basis. >> you want them wirelessly connected. you want to be able to hear it on the second floor of your house if you are so lucky to have a three story house. you can wirelessly connect them. it cost bz $60. if one goes off, they all go off, and then you listen to them. >> hoda turns off three of them. >> that's right. when you are tired, you are tired. what about the radon gas? >> this is really important. radon is an odorless radioactive gas, and it's in homes all over the country, which is bad news because it's the second leading cause of lung cancer in the united states. the good news is for $14 you can get a kit at any hardware store, and that includes postage and lab fees, and that will -- you'll be able to test to find out if you have high radon levels. if you do, you need to hire a professional to filter that out of your home. >> wow. >> all good info. >> absolutely scared the you
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know what out of us. thank you so much. >> absolutely. his u.s. tour is sold out, but you get a front row seat right here. >> british singing star ed sheeran just ahead. >> cute. ♪ stuck in her day dream ♪ been this way since 18 back f. featuring 5 delicious new entrees to choose from. f. go creamy and dig into rich new penne di mare with shrimp. or maybe go crunchy with new parmesan potato crusted chicken. served with unlimited fresh salad and warm breadsticks. finish with a decadent dessert. 3 courses, just $12.95! go tonight! go olive garden! and try our unlimited homemade soup, crisp salad, and warm breadsticks lunch. just $6.95! yep...doh. [ boy ] slurpably fun and a good source of calcium.
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dads who get it, get go-gurt. until they see this. the oral-b pro-health clinical brush. its pro-flex sides adjust to teeth and gums for a better clean. the pro-health clinical brush from oral-b. for a better clean. a lipstain with wet shine! lipcolor... l'oreal creates caresse wet shine stain: the light weight formula delivers lasting color plus shine with 30% water. it's the wet look for my lips. l'oreal's new caresse wet shine stain. [ ding! ] losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-popcorn decoy bucket. then no one will want to steal the deliciousness. with a variety of tastes and textures only chex mix is a bag of interesting.
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>> the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> british singer-songwriter ed sheeran has set his sights on an american takeover. >> his debut album "plus" is already a massive five times platinum hit in his native u.k. >> the success of that record has resulted in sheeran's own headlining tour right here in the u.s. an upcoming tour with taylor swift. >> really? >> grammy nominations for the song "the a team." singing that very song ed sheeran.
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♪ white lips, pale face, breathing in snowflakes ♪ ♪ burnt lungs, sour taste light's gone, day's end, struggling to pay rent long nights, strange men ♪ ♪ and they say she's in the class a team stuck in her daydream been this way since 18 but lately, her faes seems slowly sinking, wasting crumbling like pastries and they scream the worst things in life come free to us ♪ ♪ because we're just under the upper hand go mad for a couple grams ♪ ♪ and she don't want to to go outside tonight ♪ ♪ and in a pipe she flies to the motherland and sells love to another man ♪
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♪ it's too cold outside for angels to fly ♪ ♪ angels to fly ♪ ripped gloves, raincoat ♪ tried to swim stay afloat ♪ ♪ dry house, wet clothes ♪ loose change, bank notes weary-eyed, dry throat ♪ ♪ call girl, no phone ♪ and they say she's in the class a team ♪ ♪ stuck in her day dream been this way since 18 but lately her face seems slowly, sinking, wasting crumbling like pastries and they scream the worst things in life come free to us ♪ ♪ because she's just under the
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upper hand goes mad for a couple grams ♪ ♪ she don't want to go outside tonight ♪ ♪ because in a pipe she flies to the motherland and sells love to another man ♪ ♪ it's too cold for angels to fly ♪ ♪ for an angel will die covered in white closed eyes hoping for a better life ♪ this time we'll fade out tonight strainz straight down the line ♪ snaet snaet ♪ straight down the line ♪ ♪ because we're all under the upper hand, go mad for a couple grams ♪ ♪ we don't want to go outside tonight ♪ ♪ because in the pipe we'll fly
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to the motherland and sell love to another man ♪ ♪ it's too cold outside for angels to fly ♪ ♪ for angels to fly ♪ and fly ♪ fly ♪ for angels to fly, to fly, to fly ♪ ♪ for angels to die >> wow. love him. >> terrific. >> thank you, ed. >> now, get ready to have some fun, everybody. two lucky contestants, who aren't always lucky. >> yes, they are. first, this is "today" on nbc. we spend a lot of time on the feed
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because a chicken is what it eats. [ jim ] this seal verifies we feed my fresh all-natural chickens an all-vegetarian diet including corn, soybeans, and marigolds. no animal by-products. no meat and bone meal. when you put my chicken on the table, you know where it came from.
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that i put on my children's plate. that's why we use all-white meat, breading that is whole grain with omega-3 and no preservatives. it is my goal to make the highest quality, best-tasting nugget on the market. i want consumers to go, "dang, that's a good nugget."
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♪ >> it's time to get your game on where two fans are schoezen off
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the plaza and brought inside for a little fun. let's find out what we're playing, and meet the contestants. >> hey. >> we have maria and chanel. >> we are playing what? >> match that. what's going to happen is you're going to have 60 seconds on the clock, and you're going to go to the magnetic board to match the middle part of the body and the feet and the head to the celebrity. can you help or distract the other team. >> time on the clock. go. >> all right. >> this one -- >> got that? ♪ >> get the legs. get the legs. >> no -- >> wear not done. >> we're good. we are so done. >> you are done.
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>> what does that mean? >> hoda indeed and chanel took the prize, and now its time -- >> we didn't even do the head. >> it's over. >> it's been -- dwloo yours is broken? >> back off, barbie. >> what's your broken, kath? >> i broke a nail trying to get the -- >> we've been done for ten minutes. >> hoda kotb and chanel. >> chanel! >> yes. >> i'm sorry. it had to be. we couldn't -- >> look. >> look. i still can't get it on. >> oh. >> oh, listen. oh. oh. last mention of your book i ever do. >> that's it. >> coming up tomorrow, we're
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throwing a super bowl party. everything -- >> i'm not. i'm not going to be here. >> and we are wearing red for heart disease. oh. we are going to change some healthy habits. >> enjoy your thirsty thursday. way to go, chanel.
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